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Maleficent_Bee_9092 t1_jbd2t1p wrote


drxdrg08 t1_jbeo0gy wrote

We had a Democrat President, Democrat House and Democrat Senate for 2 years straight.

They could have removed weed from schedule 1 drug list, which would have automatically fixed a lot of PA issues with weed use since the laws just reference federal schedule 1 drug list.


Maleficent_Bee_9092 t1_jbepnsm wrote

Democrats have historically been anti-weed because 1) They're all Old 2) They've always been scared shitless by the right winger's anti drug crusading, so have always been compelled to appear "tougher on Crime" than Republicans. From Tip O'Neill, who doubled down on the "Mandatory Minimums" craze in the mid 80's, to Obama, who had to be Timid about anything that upset rightwingers, from weed to gay marriage, which seems ridic because they all think he's the AntiChrist anyhow. Now you have Biden, who is Older than Moses. No, don't gimme any of that Libertarian Bullshit about how Republicans are for "Freedom". No, that only applies to forcing Evangelical Christianity down everyone's throats.


Maleficent_Bee_9092 t1_jbepud3 wrote

Manchin & Synema in the Senate are DINO's & would have never gone along with any of that anyhow.


drxdrg08 t1_jbevu8z wrote

Are you saying all those Democrat voters are stupid if they voted for DINO's?


Maleficent_Bee_9092 t1_jbey9c4 wrote

Well legal weed is Hardly the 1st priority of most voters. Isn't it always "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Certainly in Manchin's home state. But anyone who thinks any pol on either "wing" can do anything to bring non-Anthracite coal back is living in la la land . . .

Much of the time, folks vote out of habit for their incumbent, regardless of party. It's an Odd Dysfunction of US Voter attitudes: Most of us absolutely HATE all politicians, especially Senate / Congress in general, BUT . . . Most will also say, at the same time, they Love/Like their individual Senator / Congressman. Polls have been demo'ing this for decades, at all levels, Fed / State / Local. Or else they "pull the party line" in a "wave" year (blue or red). Even when "party lines" have been eliminated from voting machines (ok we don't use those types of mechanical lever machines anymore, you know, the ones everyone used to trust blindly, but were Fraught with 10,000x the errors, & susceptibility to Fraud, of "modern" systems, that now no one trusts).


H_P_S t1_jbg5dwc wrote

and yet the party continues to back them, funding their campaigns over progressive challengers. if the party had any spine, they'd have cut off endorsements, remove them from committee assignments, etc. but nah, the democrats only care about saving face, finding someone in the party to blame so they don't actually have to pass policies that people want.

edit, since people seem to think that i'm a dem: the democratic party has proven that it is not and will never be a vessel for change. my comment is pointing out one of the more obvious examples of such. the republican party has never been good, but when the entire platform leading into 2024 is genociding trans people, the dems are (sadly) the only viable option, and they know it.


Maleficent_Bee_9092 t1_jbh2unz wrote

Progressives have Shit for brains too. Their "Democratic Socialist" "Defund the Police" Nonsense is Never gonna "Play In Peoria" or any "flyover country", where a guy like Biden pulled in the elderly secret racist dementia voter bloc, which is still Yuge. Every time AOC Tweets out on Columbus Day (oh sorry Indigenous Day) "Columbus was a Genocidal Maniac who Butchered Millions", that's Millions who will NEVER vote Blue.

Progressives & Trumpers have that much in common: Can win primaries, but are Toast in General Elections (oh sure there are 90 - 100 solid Progressive districts in the House, but . . . statewide? Presidential? Fuggeddaboudit! Obama was the closest you'll ever get, & you all H8ted him cause he Smart Bombed terrorists (Good for Him)


H_P_S t1_jbhak6x wrote

>Obama was the closest you'll ever get, & you all H8ted him cause he Smart Bombed terrorists (Good for Him)

mask off moment, opinion discarded