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psychcaptain t1_jbh82j0 wrote

You mean pay for roads, police, hospitals and schools because Rich people do Fuck all with their money, except make sure their descendants stay wealthy, and give large endowments to build statues to their honor.

I have no interest in support somebody's Egyptian Pharaoh Cosplay, when the money could be better used in the Commonwealth.

If you don't like how the money is being used in the Commonwealth, do something about. Run for office and make a difference.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbh99w1 wrote

This isn't strictly about wealthy people. There are enough average people who would benefit from generational wealth than there are wealthy people who don't need it passed down.


psychcaptain t1_jbh9yqc wrote

Sorry, as a strong believer in Capitalism, and Earned Wealth, the idea of Generational wealth is horrifying.

You earn your own money, not get it past down to you. That shit is for pansy ass white lily aristocrat wannabes. This is the United States of America. You pull yourself up by the bootstraps, you work hard, and you get things done.