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69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkdzvi wrote

PA's estate tax ain't gonna affect the $1800 and a rusty Camry you'll be passing on to your heirs


RedditMemesSuck t1_jbkephr wrote

What’s your problem?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkewk0 wrote

People bitching and moaning about taxes that don't affect them because their betters have been pushing propaganda out about it for decades.
This sub is like Facebook Grandpa's feed with that shit.


RedditMemesSuck t1_jbkf7gy wrote

Can this sub not take a joke at all? Like you’re the second person to get butthurt over this


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jbkfcnx wrote

Every other thread is somebody bitching about taxes. There's a senior center five blocks from me if I wanted to experience that constantly.


RedditMemesSuck t1_jbkfu7g wrote

You’re the one… who… read the comments and… decided to comment yourself? You initiated this, if my comment upset you why not just block me and move on instead of insulting me?