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MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhs0ny wrote

My brake lights were on, I was braking. I started slowing as the result of the van before seeing the bus behind them. For all I know they couldve been turning without a turn signal before the bus was there


throwawayamd14 t1_jdhsx02 wrote

Well if you couldn’t see the bus then why did you say the bus hazards weren’t on?

Also, you did not slow down. That is quite obvious in the video


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhtzsi wrote

Slower than i was going from the obscures view behind the van, and my brake lights are on till I eventually passed the bus. I sure didnt slam on the breaks within the 1-2 meters from the front of the van as I couldnt even see what the van was stopping for. As posted below, I was a block away and saw the bus (should add the area before goes downhill slightly, and can see further ahead then when the road flattens out towars where the video takes place.)


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jdiw987 wrote

Bottom line - it doesn't matter. You went through a bus stop sign and you got a ticket. If you go to court saying your vision was obscured then the court will just tell you that you were going too fast for the conditions.