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MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhyqvd wrote

The van got to witness potentially 4 seconds of yellow lights/part of the stop sign opening before the van was no longer obscuring my view, 4 seconds of time I didnt have in relation to the view of the bus being blocked by the van. Up the hill further back the bus was on lower ground and was visible from a further distance, but as the ground leveled the van blocked what would be where the bus stopped. The bus didnt have hazards/stop sign deployed when I was witnessing them driving ahead before the van obscured the view.

Also why i emphasize the 150-300ft the driver needed, as that would have been plenty of time and distance to inform me and the van to slow down to a stop (compared to the van slamming their breaks and me being out of view)


walkamok t1_jdi8vz0 wrote

The bus was fully stopped and the stop sign was opening. If the sign was opening it means the lights were already red.

There was no close call or any sort of argument that it was yellow or you didn't have time to stop.

The video shows you fully earning the ticket.