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throwawayamd14 t1_jdi0e55 wrote

In case anyone wondered even more about how dishonest the OP is:

He’s driving a 2019 Mazda 3 hatchback or newer it seems. In his original post, He claims he brakes, this is in fact a lie. His brake light is not on, it’s his fog light. At the 7,8,9 second light I can see the top his hatch, there’s a brake light there, if he was braking the light would be on but there’s clearly no light on at the top of his hatch

Op this jury finds you guilty and a shitty person


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi1bb2 wrote

Wrong model year but thanks.

They are the brake lights if you look further into the video when the back brake lights go off when I let go of them. Youre full of shit on two counts my friend.


throwawayamd14 t1_jdi1q8l wrote

All Mazda 3 hatchbacks have a brake light at the top of the hatch, so why isn’t your hatches’s brake light on if you are braking? They don’t “go off” you just drive out of view lol


MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi4fxl wrote

Looking at the front of the car, see how it dips and lowers speed similarly to the van that did make a full stop? Is the basis of slowing movement just off of one light from behind when ive passed the bus?

Youre right on the hatchlight position, just not the model year.