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whomp1970 t1_jdjdwjp wrote

So you didn't see the little stop sign.

Did you not see the giant yellow school bus, at a total stop, on a public road, in a travel lane? I see a stopped school bus, I instinctively slow down, especially if it's not in a parking lot, or on the shoulder.

Did you not see the red/yellow flashing lights on the very top of the school bus? Often, those come on before the bus even comes to a stop.

But I GET IT. You may have been a little distracted, and I can understand not seeing the little stop sign. And it's like, when you're approaching a stoplight and it turns yellow ... do you gun it or brake hard? And sometimes, you hit the brake and you could have made it through, and other times, you accidentally run a red light.

SO I GET IT. That's probably similar to what happened to you.

But I don't think the law will be that forgiving.