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Simple-Obligation484 t1_jeeivp6 wrote

The "technicality" they are trying to deny ASSC on is clearly a discriminatory pretext for denying the club. Here is a promotional flyer for the evangelical Good News Club that the school district *themselves* sent home with all elementary school students. And here is another example of GNC's promotional material.

Now compare those with the promotional flyer the school district used as grounds for denying ASSC access.

The ASSC flyer clearly says "SPONSERED BY: THE SATANIC TEMPLE AND REASON ALLIANCE", similarly the GNC flyers say "Sponsored by Saucon Community Church and Child Evangelism Fellowship".

But the ASSC flyer ALSO says at the bottom "This is not an activity of the school or the School District." The Superintendent rescinded the club's approval on the grounds that the font size of that statement was too small. But compare that to the GNC promotional material, which again - the school district *themselves* distributed to students, and contains no such disclaimer *at all*.