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CltAltAcctDel t1_jbt6p3v wrote

LEOSA exists mainly for state and local police to carry off-duty or retired in all states but that has limitations. It’s fairly new and federal agents were carrying all over the place prior to it being enacted.

She was carrying under 6106. LEOSA doesn’t enter into because she’s legally carrying under PA law. She’s carrying legally by being a duly authorized federal agent. She is a duly authorized federal agent 24/7/365 until she separates employment

PA does not have a buffer on school zones. That was the purpose of referencing 912. Federal gun free zone law says the buffer is 1000ft but people can carry within that border if states allow it. PA only excludes the actual property of the school from carrying. It does that through 6106 and 912 because 6206 authorizes people to carry and 912 has no buffer.