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VenomB t1_jdw7i6a wrote

And we're talking about the people who are still alive and out of a job.


blind_wisdom t1_jdwql3d wrote

Ok. Even then, they probably lost friends. Their life is likely going to have a dramatic change, at least to some degree. And they have a fuck ton to be angry about. None of this would have happened if they didn't.

Literally everybody should be 'complaining' right now.


VenomB t1_jdwrmko wrote

>Literally everybody should be 'complaining' right now.

About what?

Because my comment is specifically about people complaining that these people are out of a job with 0 support available, which is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with your feelings or any one else's. Instead of actually looking into the choices they have to move forward, people would rather just complain that there are none while there are. That's the only thing I'm talking about.

So sure, complain. Just don't sound like a moron while ya do it.


blind_wisdom t1_jdxz6er wrote

Ok. I get your point. It probably wasn't the best time to comment on the survivors' job prospects like op did.

However, I don't think that it's unreasonable to talk about that in other contexts. I'm sure people will look for resources. People don't just give up and go "guess I'll starve, then. But I'm gonna complain about it."

I think people who are complaining probably have experienced (or seen) unfair treatment of workers. They have a right to voice grievances.


SeptasLate t1_jdx15q2 wrote

There's ways to complain about this situation without using the tragedy for people to get on a soapbox about their preferred political issue.

Better workers/unemployment benefits are needed and important but we don't even know what unemployment/benefits the workers will have access to. People are fired up over a hypothetical.