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Pink_Slyvie t1_jbuk0mu wrote

> 4+ months off per year

Bullshit. I'm so tired of this.

You get hair over 2 months of summer break. This time needs to be spent on continued education to keep your certs up to date.

And before you go "Oh but 2 weeks for Christmas, a week for easter, all those days off." Those are almost all spent on prep and catchup work.

Stop talking about things you don't know anything about.

> whereas most Americans get 15 days

This is bullshit too, the rest of the world figured out ages ago that 6 weeks of vacation increases overall productivity, start fighting for workers' rights.


redditmbathrowaway t1_jbunoe4 wrote

We're talking America here - and Pennsylvania to be exact.

I'll get 15 days off next year. You're saying that at the low end (just for summer) you get over two full months.

Factor in the spring break (full week off) that you're enjoying now, winter break, thanksgiving break, and all federal holidays...and then add in your own PTO on top of that, it's easily 4 months.

I'm not saying teachers don't work hard when they work. I'm saying they work less and are paid commensurate per hours worked in exchange for a unique and freeing lifestyle. Which is that should be communicated to the next generation of teachers to attract talent.
