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Gonzostewie t1_jbvzcbe wrote

>Teachers get ~3 months off during the summer, a week off for spring break, almost a month off for winter break, almost a week for Thanksgiving, along with all other federal holidays. That's almost 4.5 months off work per year.

>So teachers are working less than 2/3 of the time an average white collar worker works. People cite "lesson planning" and claim it's outside of working hours, but teachers only teach ~3-4 classes each day, with the rest of the day preserved for this lesson planning and any miscellaneous tasks such as grading.

All of this is absolute horseshit. All the teachers I know and have worked with teach more classes, get almost no time during the working day to get anything done because prep periods get filled with tutoring/makeup work, meetings and bureaucratic paperwork. If they don't do after hour work at home, they'd get called a shitty teacher more than the other names oblivious shitbirds call them already.