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Realistic-kind837 t1_jbxb3c0 wrote

I know many teachers with a masters in elementary Ed and a minor in speech development and we're getting paid over 90+ per year. Four of them quit and only in their 30's because of how ridiculous the NYC Ed system became. The dept of Ed needs to seriously look at all the BS . Sorry , but indoctrination is at the top of the list. They will continue to leave and get poor quality teachers. The children are also leaving and going to private or Catholic schools, most aren't even Catholic but it's cheaper than the private schools. I also know two teachers that left and moved to TX and FL and are currently teaching there. We are going to see a major shift in certain states in the upcoming years for many things, but especially education standards in the public school system.


[deleted] t1_jby4z3h wrote



Realistic-kind837 t1_jbya72y wrote

Its " weird".. did you forget how to talk nicely to ppl even when you disagree with them? Apparently so.


[deleted] t1_jbyarbt wrote



Realistic-kind837 t1_jbyeqfi wrote

I'm relating it to the entire NYC dept of Ed. You're specifically calling my personal thoughts on it as weird that's why. Do I really need to explain this?

Maybe I shouldn't have posted at all since the heading is in regards to PA schools and I'm discussing NYC. I am not an educator. I live in PA and my children attend public school. Me and my children love the PA district we are in and all of the teachers here.


Realistic-kind837 t1_jbyg0hi wrote

And why subscribe to Christianity if you speak of it in such a negative way?


[deleted] t1_jbyh3iq wrote



Realistic-kind837 t1_jbyhswy wrote

You're active in the Christianity community reddit site- it's right on your profile that everyone can see. You seem to look for arguments instead of resolution and that's not my thing. Have a wonderful day Karrius12


[deleted] t1_jbyix4m wrote



Realistic-kind837 t1_jbykvlw wrote

Yes, that.

I'm sorry that happened to you and I can now understand why you have the negative feelings. However, in most of your posts you're argumentative. Having a discussion to make things better for all is what I'm about.


[deleted] t1_jbylfgj wrote



Realistic-kind837 t1_jbymnd8 wrote

Sure ya I can see exactly what you're looking for - an argument. I'm sorry, Karrius12, I'm not going to give you that.

Like I said earlier, it's what my friends have told me. Their stories are why I said that. I don't see that personally in the PA district that all of my children are in, so there is nothing here I want to stop.