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hotbakedgoods t1_jbwwz2q wrote

And them just killing themselves is obviously the better choice!! They should actually just hand a gun to everyone whos chronically suicidal! It’s not fucking black and white. For every story like that there’s 100s who’s lives were saved. Don’t be so closed minded.


generalraptor2002 t1_jbwxcuh wrote

Well I’ll tell you this.

In my personal experience the doctors blatantly disregard the law.

I had to spend $5000 to get a Bullshit involuntary commitment off my permanent record

Being disrespectful and “acting out” is not cause for a commitment. The judge saw that.

My parents were limp wristed and the doctor didn’t have the fucking stones to say “I can’t help you. Please leave”

Sometimes you need to acknowledge basic human liberty


mynamemightbealan t1_jbx5ca0 wrote

It sounds like you were diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder as a kid based on what little I've read from you in this thread. Not a conventional mood disorder or psychotic in anyway which is definitely shakey grounds for commitment as has hit or miss efficacy. The legal argument is often that it's done in good faith and does have some merit in reducing future criminal behaviors for a lot of patients. Most just grow up and stay mad at the system unfortunately.


generalraptor2002 t1_jbx5o4e wrote

I’ve met a few psychiatrists who think that Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a lazy diagnosis and extremely dubious.

I know from my attitude people think I hate them all. It’s not that way. My parents just sent me from sleazy shrink to shrink as a kid and used the threat of commitment as a lazy cop out whenever they lost an argument.

A lot of parents these days just don’t have a grip or have any idea how to discipline children and expect the shrink and psychiatric drugs to fix all the problems.

When a shrink sees a parent without a damn clue about parenting they know they got one who will keep coming back and paying more because the problems won’t stop.


mynamemightbealan t1_jbx86g1 wrote

I do think it's a lazy diagnosis but it definitely is hard to add a name to it. I agree with what the problem is but I don't think that psychiatrists are as nefarious as you're making them out to sound. There is definitely some maladaptive behavior going on and the psychiatrists are trying to help reduce that. I never worked on the medical side of things and was only concerned with the psychology of things. I think we'd probably agree that a lot of bad parenting leads to issues that we see in people diagnosed with ODD and I'm a huge proponent of therapy to help people overcome that. There are some fringe cases where certain people are so disregulated that they need some sort of mood stabilizer just to maintain their emotions enough to make progress, but I think the vast majority are capable over improving their lives without meds. They also want to need to change their lives. No person with behavioral challenges changes based on involuntary treatment. Personally, I think involuntary commitment should be reserved for psychotic and mood disorders. Also most likely autism and certain time of intellectual and cognitive disorders.


hotbakedgoods t1_jbx4p15 wrote

Being “disrespectful and acting out” can be a sign of early bipolar disorder. Again you do not know what you are talking about. Your experience is not everyone’s.


generalraptor2002 t1_jbx4s3h wrote


Even just Having a mental disorder in and of itself is NOT GROUNDS FOR COMMITMENT

Please see: 50 PS 7301(b)


hotbakedgoods t1_jbx4zoi wrote

Also just as an aside. The judge deemed that my cousin’s commitment wasn’t valid. He immediately left the hearing and killed himself. YOU DONT KNOW SHIT.


hotbakedgoods t1_jbx4vmn wrote

You didn’t provide any details. I’m sure that you presented as a harm to yourself or others. I have no interest in continuing to talk to you. Have a nice day.