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PsychoCelloChica t1_jbwbzu8 wrote

If you have any sort of medical condition or disability. (And I’m serious, any medical condition that needs to be managed in order to be able to maintain your ability to work.) you may be interested in applying for MAWD through the state’s Compass portal.

MAWD (medical assistance for workers with disabilities) is a special category of state funded medical with a significantly higher income limit than traditional Medicaid. This year’s limit is $36,459/year AFTER all allowable deductions. And 50% of income is disregarded. So a single person making $73k/year could still be eligible.

The catch is that it’s not free like traditional Medicaid. You pay a monthly premium of 5% of your monthly net income after all deductions. Someone making the absolute max to be eligible would pay at most $152/month plus small copays.