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CactusCandles OP t1_jc2y0kc wrote

If I’m required to go, I will just have to bring the baby. It will be a pain in the ass, but I’m going to do what I have to do to avoid a fine.


Joecracko t1_jc37wl8 wrote

Bingo. I bet the ejuror seat warmer simply didn't believe your story. Bring the baby. I bet you'll be excused in an instant.

You should not have to pay (childcare) to be on a jury.

And if the judge does in fact order you to find childcare and proceed, hit the judge/DA where it hurts. I'm sure your local news station would have a field day with your story.


Campffire t1_jc33gyl wrote

I just had Federal jury duty last year. On the bright side, you get $50/day and they reimburse your parking too, so save your receipt.