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ITcurmudgeon t1_jcbk127 wrote

Yeah well, you should check again cause they're now all clearing 100k. They recently voted themselves CoL increases. It's not like corruption and waste are some new and crazy thing when it comes to our representatives, but it is obviously something you give little Fucks about.

And yeah, the state police appropriating money that should be going to the states highways is a special level of dumbfuckery which has lead to us having one of the highest gas taxes at the fuel pump and the costliest toll roads in the nation.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcbl53a wrote

> Yeah well, you should check again cause they're now all clearing 100k.

And that is peanuts. It isn't 1965 anymore.
Every number I can find indicates that they're spending less than two tenths of a percent of the state budget to operate the General Assembly. There are bigger fish to fry.