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polgara_buttercup t1_jcbabaa wrote

Party that screams “parental choice” won’t let others make those choices.

You’ve always had the ability to restrict what material your child has access to, the problem is, it requires you to actually be involved and do the work.


feudalle t1_jcbbhw7 wrote

No no. Everyone gets to choose as long as they choose the right thing. That's is the Maga way. Just like freedom of religion, as long as it's a Protestant Chistian variety.


kormer t1_jcbtpuw wrote

> Party that screams “parental choice” won’t let others make those choices.

You're free to purchase any book you want to read to your child at home. Nobody is taking that away from you.


BluCurry8 t1_jcby3vj wrote

Well with that logic, why have a school library at all? Let the parents just buy all the books and therefore their will be no more ridiculous book banning.