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ChrisTheHurricane t1_jcfdpw1 wrote

IIRC, PA has more KKK activity than any other Northern state.


TheJediJoker t1_jcgqqhw wrote

I must be blind or it's not around where I'm at


BurntPoptart t1_jchlstb wrote

I grew up in a small rural town, there was so much racism at my school. From the students and from their parents. I'm not too surprised.


TheJediJoker t1_jchstwv wrote

I'm not saying they're isn't, I just don't see it where I'm at

I'm white, my family is very blended


BurntPoptart t1_jchzob1 wrote

heard that my man just putting my own experience out there


TheJediJoker t1_jci1k1h wrote

Don't really get it If everyone stopped seeing color it's make a huge impact

Unfortunately I do still see many youth being racist towards each other, I blame that on family


BurntPoptart t1_jci3ols wrote

Yeah it gets taught at home, kids aren't born racist they learn that shit

I'll be starting a blended family of my own someday and nothing gets on my nerves more than racism. It's just plain ignorance.


Ok-Competition-3356 t1_jcx5amo wrote

Not being a dick, but are you white? It's my guess as to why you might not see it. Ass hat whites with closet racism act normal around other white ppl imo, until trump got elected then I saw it being seen as acceptable to act a fucktard out loud instead of internally where it would have hopefully died out over generations.


TheJediJoker t1_jcx660a wrote

I'm white, with alot of mixed and black in my family Many of our friends are of one race or another

My parents raised me to not hate anyone, or see them differently Even though I'm white, I get surprised in how pissed I get hearing anyone use the N word, regardless of their race


tmaenadw t1_jcgcgs7 wrote

Are you sure? The Pacific Northwest has Idaho, and Montana is home to one of the main organizers of the Charlottesville, VA debacle.

While the Pacific Northwest is put down for its liberal big cities, step outside Seattle and Portland, and they have more than their fair share of Aryan Nation jerks with the added northwest twist of trying to justify it using their Norse heritage (as the northwest received a huge influx of immigrants from the Nordic countries).