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aust_b t1_jchjv0j wrote

So they are laying off folks when they are actively posting at least 20 jobs a day, makes sense lol


Modestkilla t1_jchz4xh wrote

Sure does, they are just another greedy corporation, I mean “university “. They will cut higher paid individuals and higher much lower ones.


cyvaquero t1_jck9q9j wrote

I mean, they aren't mutually exclusive. Aside from the budget not being a single monolithic pot in either sources of funding or use requirements, a line cook at the dining halls is not much good as a machinist at ARL and vice versa. Or to throw my old job under the buss, as a Systems Designer I would make a shitty Office Admin.

Just know that the layoffs will be in student services staff and facility jobs (while mandating overtime of those left, not in faculty or management. As a local, former staffer, and alum I am very familiar with how this plays out. Executive and faculty positions and pay are protected while those on the lower end of the compensation scale get cut.


VenomB t1_jckfstu wrote

But they had a hiring freeze in place. Through that hiring freeze, all of the academics made their jobs "high priority," which allowed them to hire through the freeze. And on top of that, they have 40+ executive level positions currently available.


Its a mess all around.


cyvaquero t1_jcmu0ls wrote

Just going to reiterate, not all funding is equal. Academics are usually hiring from grant funding, salaries are baked into the grant proposal.


No-Butterscotch4549 t1_jck96zk wrote

It does from a financial perspective. Get rid of older higher salaried employees and replace with new starting salary employees. Sucks but that’s how the game is played.


gmm1978 t1_jckn9qr wrote

It's a shame, but it looks like many workers at Penn State are not in a union. A strong union could help many of these issues.