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VenomB t1_jclynpw wrote

Considering a lot of info is coming out showing that WFH isn't that great for the employer, chances are you aren't going to.


or10n_sharkfin t1_jcm18hx wrote

> WFH isn't that great for the employer

How terrible for those poor employers to not be able to afford rent. Maybe they should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and stop buying all that avocado toast.


ProleAcademy t1_jcm2ibt wrote

Citation needed


moderately_random t1_jcm5nim wrote

Cites an article from Washington Post ghost written by Bezos, saying WFH employees slack off as they don’t need to ask permission to use the bathroom


tyleritis t1_jcm6hhk wrote

Yeah it’s not great that the employer doesn’t pay for my electricity, coffee, water and sewer, internet, office furniture, etc.

All while getting more productivity out of me.