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itsallfornaught2 t1_jcwc51c wrote

Good on you for doing the research for this person lol. They should've but hey...


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwcf0d wrote

Seems to be a thing on Reddit lol


[deleted] OP t1_jcwn6ig wrote



HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwnijz wrote

Cost is a huge part of "feasibility" for most people. If it costs $5,000/month, is it still feasible to you? Sure as fuck wouldn't be for me.


[deleted] OP t1_jcwo5j2 wrote



HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwol8a wrote

I was being hyperbolic, the point being that a $500/month pass may be feasible for you but not for someone else. You didn't ask if it's feasible from a time standpoint, logistics standpoint, or cost standpoint, so you're gonna get opinions/information from all aspects of the issue. Don't like it? Try being more specific.

>without being rude.

You're the one claiming I have a reading comprehension issue, but you're the one who wrote a very general question and then got bitchy when you got detailed, specific information.


NotNowDamo t1_jcws3zm wrote

>Sit this one out.

Wtf? Don't ask a question on a public forum if you don't want it answered.


[deleted] OP t1_jcwn3h0 wrote



plattg t1_jcwofam wrote

Time and cost are literally the only factors concerning feasibility here.


[deleted] OP t1_jcwopnn wrote



LostInSpace9 t1_jcwqnps wrote

You know the answer and are hoping someone will say it is feasible to shake your doubt. It’s honestly the stupidest thing to commute 4hr per day. No sane person would do this unless they are desperate. Better be some good salary.


Slomper t1_jcwr0oz wrote

76 fucking sucks from center city all the way past KOP. This isn’t gonna be feasible for you, sorry. I commuted 85 miles each way to work for 18 months and it was wide open highway between southern NY and Williamsport. I barely made it happen then. You can’t fight traffic for 45 minutes then get on a toll road and drive another hour and 15 (if you go quick) to Harrisburg. 1000 miles a week divided by whatever mpg your car gets. It’s been years since I’ve taken the turnpike between Harrisburg East and KOP but the toll has gotta be at least $15 one way. You might be better off just finding a cheap place in Harrisburg and commuting back to Philly on the weekends?


DeliciousBeanWater t1_jcws86e wrote

Hes taking the train fam


Slomper t1_jcwt6if wrote

Oh ok, I don’t know how I missed that. I still don’t think it’s gonna work out. That a long ass commute to do every day and are those trains even at convenient times for getting to/ from work?


DeliciousBeanWater t1_jcwtbpz wrote

Yeah fuck that. I wont commute more than 30-45mins depending on how much the job pays. Like would have to be over $100k for 45 mins