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MartianActual t1_jd147ng wrote

Why did Shapiro and Fetterman let this happen..the Republican House members in Harrisburg…


dumplin79 t1_jd2jce4 wrote

I don’t know why your getting downvoted. Guess the truth pisses some ppl off.


Drewcifer81 t1_jd2q704 wrote

Because it's a dumb, nonsensical comment. That's why he's getting downvoted.


delcodick t1_jd2zhue wrote

Not if you pay attention to the Republicans in Harrisburg - it is far from dumb.


Drewcifer81 t1_jd33mjj wrote

I mean, if his comment was meant as:

"Why did Shapiro and Fetterman let this happen!?!?!" - The Republican House Members in Harrisburg

... then he does have a point. Unfortunately the way it's written it comes across differently. If that's what he meant, then sure, he's spot on.


dumplin79 t1_jd5lwat wrote

No that’s literally exactly what republicans say when they get caught being scum bags. They always find someone to blame. And you can downvote me all you want.