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reddicyoulous t1_irc8552 wrote

>The report found that by misclassifying employees as “contractors” the workers are deprived of wages, workplace health and safety, and unemployment protections. It amounts to tax fraud and costs the commonwealth millions of dollars in lost revenue annually. Misclassification can impact industries from home health care to construction to online businesses, like Uber and Lyft drivers.
>Misclassification of employees occurs when a business wrongfully classifies a worker as
an independent contractor even though the nature, type and oversight of their work determines they should be considered an employee under the law.


A step in the right direction against socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor


Yelloeisok t1_ircbe0g wrote

The problem is the Republican legislature will never let that pass.


MuckRaker83 t1_irck0o0 wrote

If only the state wasn't gerrymandered to hell. Dems frequently win statewide offices but never come close to legislative control. At this point I read somewhere that dems need something like 60% of the vote to win the state house


ell0bo t1_irco14n wrote

Dems have to better organize state wide. There's pockets, but in heavy Republican areas, Dems are rather in shambles. Dems state wide need to help those smaller groups. Like, if the Philly machine was to really help the state, it needs to do some serious outreach.


BigAdhesiveness6209 t1_irczj6u wrote

Silly rabbits, thinks these politicians care 🤣🤣🤣


red_carpet_hero t1_ird3g7v wrote

Republicans would reply with. What about the rights of corporations to exploit their workers?


pfudorpfudor t1_irdcb78 wrote

Conservatives also need to stop voting for people actively against their interests and needs. Majority of people I know classified as independent contractors are super far right. Same with most conservatives I know, regardless of age, being for legalized marijuana, especially medical, but continue to vote for those who oppose it. Make it make sense


MomsSpecialFriend t1_irdxqvz wrote

I work in IT and have been misclassified as a contractor on most jobs that I’ve had in PA. They not only require a set schedule just like an employee, they offer no leave, no health insurance and fire you over the most petty things. I literally lost a contacted job because I used the bathroom longer than allowed, because I had to work with a stomach bug, because I had no leave or medical insurance…

The crazy part is I used to have that exact job, as an employee before I left work for a few years to have kids. Great benefits and everything. I came back, offered the exact same role, same hours, now a contractor with zero benefits and an even stricter system of monitoring bathroom breaks. They heavily imply you will be made an employee again, but you will not.

It’s so demeaning as a human to have all of that taken away. To be tossed aside like garbage because you are a human being. Same place gave me a pamphlet and a talk about how you are never allowed to speak about unionizing and how you have to report union talk to a hotline.

These businesses not only get away with it, they thrive. They are well respected businesses in our community. I’ll call out my bullshit employer and tell you Ahold.. the corporate center and owner of Giant grocery stores exploits their employees. They are misclassifying people to this day and I know this because their stupid recruiters have contacted me about applying for the role repeatedly.


CapCity182 t1_irdzfch wrote

I would really appreciate if they would do something to decrease the wage theft the state is doing in the form of so many taxes.


dick-wart t1_ire3hnz wrote

This is looooong over do


RedPrincexDESx t1_ire5q8b wrote

The question is if it will be enforced once it's on the books.


happydayzinoffice t1_ire71ot wrote

This will do nothing to curtail the overseas people that attempt to contract me for some jank IT 3 to 30 day job here in PA-- and pay piddly while stealing my social security number.


There is a reason why I left IT, Amazon pays me more to operate a forklift. Go figure. :P


Thecrawsome t1_ire8r49 wrote

Pennsylvania is always a couple years behind California


axeville t1_irec6l3 wrote

Easy answer is don't take those jobs. /s

Edit: what every anti union person says.

Edit2: require evidence of health ins for all service contracts. Otherwise the feds are subsidizing exchange coverage instead of employers.


mjsisko t1_irek1tl wrote

Was full time with a company, benefits/vacation/sick time, all the things at 25$ an hour. Switched to independent contractor and lost all of those things. I now bill at 90$ an hour and take as much time off as I want. I work for whoever I want and I am rarely not busy. Who is stealing my wages?


mjsisko t1_irekcpg wrote

The assumption is rather everyone is living through the opposite side of the lens which also isn’t true. That was the point. Glad you missed it


susinpgh OP t1_irem4gj wrote

It most certainly is not. You made that assumption. There is a wrong that needs to be righted. That doesn't mean that EVERYONE has been wronged. It's the same thinking that keeps people saying all lives matter when they hear black lives matter.


mjsisko t1_iremarj wrote

I went by the very negative stories and comment’s throughout this post and offered a different viewpoint. I actually made no assumptions, I simply gave a view point of being an independent contractor that differs from what is on here.


susinpgh OP t1_ireojs1 wrote

>The assumption is rather everyone is living through the opposite side of the lens which also isn’t true. That was the point. Glad you missed it

There is in no way any indication anywhere that EVERYONE is experiencing the same, as you are implying here.

>Who is stealing my wages?

You had your own experience, and you could have stopped your narrative before you added the above line.


mjsisko t1_ireop0z wrote

I could have…but as this is a free platform I decided not to. You could have continued with your day and not replied but you decided to keep this going. We all make choices.

In my original comment I made no assumptions, I assumed you could connect those dots. My fault.


susinpgh OP t1_iresp49 wrote

Wow. Okay, no. If you just want to make comments and not engage, you might want to check out twitter, where you can shout into the wind and no one will reply to you.


Yelloeisok t1_irgb2qo wrote

Leslie Rossi - of Trump house fame- is my Representative. She chartered busses to the failed coup of Jan 6. When she ran in the March primary she said ‘I am the FAR Right candidate’ and she won in a landslide. She wants to ‘own the libs’ and wouldn’t give a damn what I would say.