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BobbyG-68 t1_irg5lzb wrote

LOL Oh they're giddy. You forgot hate filled.
These comments are so predictable as I said with my first post. I'll be hate upon by those denouncing hate.
I have family members and many friends of alternative lifestyles who i love dearly. All i'm saying is little children shouldn't be involved in choosing their gender. It's absurd. I think parents who are ushering that along are doing the harm. Let them grow up first. They have their whole adult life to learn and explore their sexuality. It sad that expressing this makes me a hater in your eyes... and "giddy about it".


susinpgh t1_irgbxxq wrote

Read Dazzle by Truman Capote. It was written around 40 years ago, and was about a child that went to a voodoo witch because they wanted to be a girl. This has been with us for a long, long time. Also, Truman Capote was out as a homosexual when it was far, far from acceptable.

Take a good look at the spectrum of sexuality in the animal kingdom. Some bird species require several participants of both sexes in order to procreate.

Did you know that there are documented relationships between to male penguins? Or that there was a documented case of a stable relationship between two male and one female geese?

If you believe that god had a hand in humans sexual and gender imperatives, then you have to acknowledge that they had a hand in the gender expressions throughout the animal kingdom.

This is not a matter of choice; it is a matter of acceptance. And so many in this society cannot accept these differences. It causes unimaginable pain to those who experience a disconnect because this society has no place for them. Denying them a route to self definition causes incredible grief and self-hate.


Buffmin t1_irgkzqp wrote

>LOL Oh they're giddy.

Oh they are. They can't wait to bully lgtbq+ folks because it harms their delicate sensibilities. Trust me when I say plenty of conservative Christians are just intolerant bigots

>I have family members and many friends of alternative lifestyles who i love dearly

Not gonna lie big "I'm not racist I have black friends" vibes. If this is true congrats you aren't who I'm talking about

>All i'm saying is little children shouldn't be involved in choosing their gender.

And what if a little boy comes up and says "I'd rather play with barbies" do you let him or do you tell him no those are for girls?


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irglxbz wrote

It’s also SUPER insulting and pretty telling calling it an “alternative lifestyle”. It’s not renting over buying a house, choosing to be single vs monogamous relationship, only eating at independent establishments vs chains. People aren’t choosing to be “quirky” and CHOOSE the “alternative lifestyle” of being trans. It’s disgusting.

Hate and condemnation have no place. Hate and condemnation TOWARDS hate and condemnation ARENT the same thing, concern troll.


Buffmin t1_irgn7ph wrote

That's a good point too. "Alternative" implies there's a standard one never mind how the bigots see it as a choice.


cakeandale t1_irgx54z wrote

> All i'm saying is little children shouldn't be involved in choosing their gender. […] They have their whole adult life to learn and explore their sexuality.

To be sure, gender and sexuality are entirely distinct. A man may feel extremely uncomfortable being required to wear a dress, and that has nothing to do with whether he is sexually attracted to other men, or women, or both, or neither.

Gender is about presentation in society, and there’s no reason to assume that children can’t understand it or know that the presentation they are being required to have do not match how they feel - like that man forced to wear a dress.