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ScottEATF t1_irpys8e wrote

You keep bringing up defunding the police, but can you name a city where that actually occurred?

It didn't occur in NYC or San Francisco. Both those cities are top 5 in money spent on police per capita. Large cities ran by Democrats on average increased funding for policing more then Republican ran cities in 2022. So who exactly has actually defunded police if Democrat run cities are spending more on them?

Next you'll bring up liberal prosecutors, but again how many actual cities have elected them? Philly has, San Fran did, but that isn't true for most cities. And crime has risen across the board regardless of whether cities have elected liberal prosecutors or not. Additionally liberal prosecutors do not impact arrest rates unless the police decide to stop doing their job. Krasner isn't the reason Philly cops can't get a suspect for these shootings in the first place. Go read into the recent forum where mothers of shooting victims said they canvased the neighborhood. He certainly isn't the reason hundreds of officers are scamming disability.

Moreover go look at the cities that rank highest in violent crimes rates it's not Philly or NYC. They just make the news more for the same reason NYC sports teams are a bigger stage.


Locutus_Picard t1_irq2pkw wrote

I didn't say liberal prosecutors, I said activist prosecutors with some twisted anti-racist agenda, that enhances disparity and racism oddly.

The release of repeat offenders with $0 bail back onto the streets to recommit crimes, some of which go on to murder and be arrested for the 100th time, is that logical?

Laws that basically make shoplifting under $900 a misdemeanor which the police don't respond to when a gang robs your store and smashes displays...totally normal.

Dem cities don't manage their funding efficiently with stupid ideas like buying weed and alcohol for the homeless.

How are all of those funds going to mental health working out? Still at record levels of homelessness and degeneracy. You don't need massive levels of funding, just don't tie the hands of police and let criminals out onto the streets. It's call law enforcement.

How ignorant are you not to see the news where major blue cities are defunded. This is common knowledge. These are at least 10 cities that want crime, err the citizens voted for it:

"Minneapolis was the epicenter of the “Defund The Police,” BLM protests and riots this summer after the death of George Floyd. Their city council was also the first in the nation to vote to defund their police department in June.

New York City

The City Council in NYC voted to start defunding the NYPD shortly thereafter, cutting $484m from the department’s budget effective 2021, reported USA Today.

Cook County, Illinois

The rampant, unending violence of the Windy City didn’t stop the Cook County Board of Commissioners from passing a resolution to “redirect funds from policing.”

Portland, OR

Does any city capture the spirit of lawlessness in America quite like Portland, Oregon? The passed budget cut $15m in funding from the bureau and cut 84 jobs. “Please take a moment to celebrate this victory, and let it fuel your fire, because we’re not done,” said one commissioner, Chloe Eudaly.


In a unanimous vote, the Austin City Council moved Thursday to cut about one-third of next year’s $434 million police budget amid national calls for ‘defunding’ law enforcement agencies in favor of spending more money on social services.”


Baltimore, Maryland, city council voted to eliminate more than $22 million from their city’s policing budget.

Los Angeles

As a result, one of the largest police departments in the country, the LAPD, had its slated $1.86 billion budget reduced by $150 million, according to local ABC 7. One member of the City Council, Councilman Curren Price, made sure to pay tribute to the group responsible for the this severe cut to the Law Enforcement budget: “I want to take this time to acknowledge Black Lives Matter L.A. organizers and others for keeping our feet to the fire and demanding more from our government.”


The Common Council passed a budget bill brought by Mayor Tom Barrett which mandated “a cut of 60 police officer positions.” The bill also cut the police overtime budget by $145,669.


Philadelphia also voted to strip its police department of funding immediately after. ABC 7 reported in June of 2020, that the cities proposed for 2021 “calls for a $33.3 million cut in funding to the proposed Philadelphia Police Department budget"

In the end, keep your dem cities the way they are, a containment chamber for druggies, homeless, crime and the mentally ill (democrats). Maybe migrants should be sent over in busses to blue area since they claim to be sanctuary cities (practice what you preach right?), but that would be inhumane to these hard working migrants.


ScottEATF t1_irq5b0x wrote

Rather then pulling from a copaganda site, you could have gotten the information directly from Philadelphia's controllers website.

In Minneapolis the budget has grown since George Floyd's murder

Same with Chicago,of%20%24715.3%20million%20in%20FY2022.

Do I need to go on? There was lip service paid to diverting police funds to mental health service in most cities, it either didn't actually occur, or was immediately undone with the next year's budget leap frogging 2019s.

We keep pouring money into this black hole, and we get no benefit from it. We get cops milking disability and departments buying surplus military year, but we aren't safer.

Have you ever been to a city in the Northeast? It's as if you don't think Philly, NYC, and Boston have large populations of undocumented workers and just decided to be sanctuary cities for a non-existent demographic. What do you think they just cross the Rio Grande and stop moving?


Locutus_Picard t1_irq7ph7 wrote

I guess the defunding policies with some of these cities have changed since all of their vocal rhetoric about defunding.

Why did they bring up defunding police in the first place...for the meme? For the Votes? For the virtue signaling? They realized it wasn't a good idea and did a 180? Who cares, I don't / won't live there. Please keep your problems in your containment zone.

>We keep pouring money into this black hole, and we get no benefit from it. We get cops milking disability and departments buying surplus military year, but we aren't safer.

You can pour as much money as you want into blue cities and you will still end up with a diahrreah side walk slip and slide experience. The real problem is the defund the police sentiment which manifests it's self into light on crime policies that result in police having their hand tied behind their back since criminals are released early, immediately or not prosecuted.

Surplus military materiel, boys will be boys, who doesn't want to buy an MRAP and drive over protestors??? A gov't employee milking disability payments? Gasp, every gov't employee does this, esp those who are pulling people out of burning cars or fighting with criminals...teacher go on disability too.


>Have you ever been to a city in the Northeast? It's as if you don't think Philly, NYC, and Boston have large populations of undocumented workers and just decided to be sanctuary cities for a non-existent demographic. What do you think they just cross the Rio Grande and stop moving?

Then why all the complaining from Mayor Adams and Lori Lightfoot about the busses coming in? What do you thing border states are going through? Bring the border to blue cities if they enjoy lax border policies lol...oh wow their tune sure has changed!