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cannonman1863 t1_irhhdhb wrote

Last I heard, the Pennsylvania GOP was stopping the idea. For reasons known only to those in charge.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irhinep wrote

oh wow thanks, man that sucks. it would of just been better off had they not say anything. false hope is a mofo. guess i better start hittin them corners lol

but seriously why every month or so they keep revisiting the idea instead of just being honest jesus christ.


Evilroot55 t1_iri5t4o wrote

I did just read an article saying the “rainy day” funds are flourishing


IamSauerKraut t1_irim8xu wrote

A dumb comment. Many folks who are in bad circumstances - often as the result of a bad medical episode - are not there by choice. R's need to stop being arseholes whose only goal in life is to piss off as many people as possible.


IamSauerKraut t1_irin6lz wrote

The governor keeps pushing the idea but the legislature does not want to work with him or to provide him with any opportunity to look like he's doing something for the people of pennsyltucky so they shut down the idea. Plus, the R-controlled legislature wants to make sure there is enough dough in the coffers to fund their upcoming 9% pay raise (on top of the 5% they got last year).


satan_on_shoulder t1_irk7clm wrote

Yeah, they shouldn't be given tax breaks. Was this supposed to be a gotcha or something? Do you think I'm a bootlicker? Is it that extreme to that believe everyone should earn their own living and should also pay their taxes regardless of what that costs?


lddmo t1_irk82px wrote

The republican legislature doesn’t want to add/approve it in the budget. Flip the PA state house and senate


nesquiksand2 t1_irk8wp5 wrote

"Helping people who don't want to help themselves is bad" is a very bootlicker thing to say, comrade. But I agree, everyone should be able to earn their own living, that's why I support unions. But I also think that a UBI for people making under a certain amount would actually support people making a living. More money to spend at businesses could help wages increase, would give people more money to focus on their own goals like going to school or starting their own business.


CuriousMaroon t1_irl8h0p wrote

What a horrible idea. This will just make inflation worse.


malbolgia708 t1_irleibv wrote

Lol, You need to vote Dem to make sure you get this $2K. So yes, you'll get something this coming elections. It's kind of like an incentive, reward...I don't know, almost an unspoken bribe. That's all it is...a reason to vote Dem that doesn't really help anyone long term.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irqc61i wrote

Thanks for your explanation it makes sense now thanks. so basically we gotta hope the president issues the standard stimulus check right? or is that over too.

Jesus christ why so many dislikes, they acting as if i did something evil lol.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irqcfhd wrote

i have no problem with that lol. i just dont get why they dont understand life is way too short lets help each other. all this tryna be cheap and keep from the poor does nothing... if overpopulation is a problem then we can talk about that, or whatever their reasoning is


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irqcmv9 wrote

and with that said im going to invest so hard cause im not ever going to forget this covid experience. you cant rely on nothing. i lost my job due to covid, lost family members and just like that im expected to go back to normal. I never asked for this, i would rather covid never happened and life continued as normal........


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irqcqvh wrote

is their any hope in these next elections? My god what is wrong with these republicans. i dont understand why rich folks even care like this.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irqjv02 wrote

smh its crazy that in 50 years most of them will be dead in other words sometimes all this petty crap means nothing. but i guess its yolo right. i just dont see how they call themselves christians.....

do you think its possible if dems win we can get it or its simply never gonna happen. im dumb when it comes to politics. i stopped caring after jan 6 when i seen how many people are that wicked and evil. politics matter but i didnt know we had this many crazies. whats the point if these guys can just get angry next time it could spark a civil war seriously........


ODDBOY90 OP t1_irupl57 wrote

good God imagine all that unused money that could be put to good use. me and my bro would combine ours and add it with our savings to put down on a condo........sigh....


throwawayIn5days t1_iscxeyn wrote

Technically not true as even both rounds of stimulus that went to American individuals and families accounts for around 8% of total spending on both bills.

But they will completely blame inflation i On the fact they gave a fraction of trillions to the American people.

Btw they gave American Airlines who paid almost no taxes since atleast around 2015, the equivalent of everyone’s stimulus combined during any one single round of stimulus