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Avaisraging439 OP t1_irthts5 wrote

Non-partisan also includes political bias. Anti-abortion is a right wing talking point exclusively. Claiming immigrants are all criminals is not a left wing talking point or policy that voters support.


Great-Molasses-Flood t1_irtl657 wrote

They may be banking on most people not knowing the technical definition of “non-partisan,” especially since “partisan” is often a synonym of “bias.” Using language like that is an effective way to manipulate and confuse people, which seems to be their goal.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irtlmp8 wrote

That brings up my concern with Spotlight PA branding themselves as non-partisan. So far their coverage does seem to be balanced (in the sense that no side deserves protection from coverage of corruption).


IamSauerKraut t1_irts49a wrote

Spotlight is non-partisan. They cover issues without the obvious tilt.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irtsj4s wrote

Definitely but I question their mode of stories they chase. Still a journalistic standard even early in it's existence.


IamSauerKraut t1_irtszwt wrote

Why do you get to decide what Spotlight PA covers? Are you confusing them with PA Spotlight? I get confused, too, but PA Spotlight makes no secret of their disdain for corrupt politicians.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irttqvk wrote

Their reporting is invaluable, it wasn't a reflection who decides just a curiosity of how they decide.


theviolinist7 t1_irwx1i3 wrote

Former political campaign staffer here. Non-partisan does not mean non-biased. It just means not officially part of a party legally. They legally have to say it because they're not the Republican Party. If they said they're a Republican organization, they'd be breaking numerous election laws and would be fined into oblivion.