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Avaisraging439 OP t1_irt46gv wrote

Anyone have any ideas how to report this? This is clearly deceiving voters because the guide they receive is NOT an accurate portrayal of policies every candidate is for. In the video the link points you to, they talk about trans rights as boys taking over girls sports as a "leftist" policy.


kwell42 t1_irt4j6q wrote

You could be non partisan and against abortion... Just unlikely.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irt4r13 wrote

The website goes on to say that immigrants are bringing drugs, sex, and lawlessness to the country through open borders.

The owner had an interview with Newsmax praising him, that doesn't sound non-partisan.


No-Razzmatazz- t1_irt4wxn wrote

Non-partisan just means they don't take money from either of the parties. It doesn't mean they have to hold a centrist position on whatever the issues are. You can be right wing or left wing and still be non-partisan.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irt5a0d wrote

When it's purposely deceitful in a way to trick people into reasonable credibility. Politics (certain forms) and news coverage is already known to be classified as entertainment but this falls under a source claiming to be credible and a fair representation of each side which is purposely looking to deceive and confuse voters ahead of an election. Not everyone is as able and willing to find credible information on their candidate like internet veterans.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irt5q58 wrote

I agree but that's not what's happening here, the partisan spin is that the democratic policy points are being twisted into clear partisan tactics. "

For example, Democrats aren't focused on the border issue beyond providing a better and humanitarian response (though failing horribly) and this fact is being spun as democrats inviting crime and drugs to take over the country.

A non-partisan way of saying this should be, Republicans are in favor of tight border security and restrictions on chain migration, Democrats are in favor of a better response to immigrants through more relaxed laws.

The statements don't claim a guaranteed end result and that's what makes it non-partisan.


tubesweaterguru t1_irt6paz wrote

I mean this respectfully, but who is really actually gonna click on that?


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irt6yls wrote

You'd be surprised, especially for centrists curious about each side and have peer pressure from their right wing friends. Does make me wonder how many centrists lie to their friends about the politicians they vote for.


MulberryDue1179 t1_irt79g6 wrote

Kinda like the tv adds saying republicans will force everyone into pro life in pa if they win. A republican state already won and by law the people have to vote for abortion or pro life and that state voted for abortion


StarWars_and_SNL t1_irt8fq3 wrote

Million Voices / Million Mom types all have shrines to Newt Gingrich in their homes, I’m sure of it.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irthts5 wrote

Non-partisan also includes political bias. Anti-abortion is a right wing talking point exclusively. Claiming immigrants are all criminals is not a left wing talking point or policy that voters support.


princeoinkins t1_irthyyo wrote

  1. don’t fucking tell your friends who you voted for, it shouldn’t matter
  2. any β€œcentrist” I’ve met is somewhat intelligent, I doubt they’d fall for a clearly spam/mass campaign text….

IntoTheMirror t1_irtio9t wrote

Text them back and ask if Candace works there.


RotateTombUnduly t1_irtk07b wrote

"Million Voices is a movement that gives voters and potential voters the foundation they need toΒ act from a biblical worldviewΒ with confidence" their emphasis on the website


Great-Molasses-Flood t1_irtl657 wrote

They may be banking on most people not knowing the technical definition of β€œnon-partisan,” especially since β€œpartisan” is often a synonym of β€œbias.” Using language like that is an effective way to manipulate and confuse people, which seems to be their goal.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irtlmp8 wrote

That brings up my concern with Spotlight PA branding themselves as non-partisan. So far their coverage does seem to be balanced (in the sense that no side deserves protection from coverage of corruption).


downsly46 t1_irtmfuj wrote

Wow I literally just got this text. We must be on the same bullshit list πŸ˜‚


cmtonkinson t1_irtqhq6 wrote

Who, exactly, has to be TOLD to β€œwatch out” for unsolicited political communication of any kind (mail, email, phone, text, …) during the heat of an election cycle? Or ever, for that matter?


IamSauerKraut t1_irtszwt wrote

Why do you get to decide what Spotlight PA covers? Are you confusing them with PA Spotlight? I get confused, too, but PA Spotlight makes no secret of their disdain for corrupt politicians.


kiddestructo t1_irttlrb wrote

I’m more concerned that a person can consider themselves β€œCentrist” at this point, than I am with the mud slinging.


pittbiomed t1_irty3d5 wrote

Well, with as many people coming over our borders , the chance that those things are happening may be pretty good, along with sex trafficking and all other sorts of illegalities


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irtye2z wrote

I'll leave this here, it's just not true.

Edit: also, were the country supplying the drug gangs across the border, who else will give them an endless stream of guns, it's incredibly irresponsible to just say it's consequences of having guns as a right, I believe it's a much bigger issue than gun owners are willing to admit.


whitemage82 t1_iru0fe0 wrote

That right there tells you all you need to know. They’re being disingenuous, trying to trick those that aren’t politically knowledgeable into swaying them to vote right wing.

Because Republicans learned long ago lying doesn’t come with consequences.


goplantagarden t1_iru2zyy wrote

LOL- got mine today and assumed it was a big fat lie. Thanks for confirming.


bontakun82 t1_iru752z wrote

Republicans lying again? Why am I not surprised?


princeoinkins t1_iru7va3 wrote

You have the freedom to do that, and that’s good

These shills also have the freedom to spread propaganda as well ( and possibly be slightly misleading, even if they aren’t lying to you, as they ARE bipartisan)

While, in theory, it might seem like it would be good to suppress people like this, the problem is that is an EXTREMELY fine line

Everyone is fine with suppressing thoughts/ speech when it’s stuff they disagree with, but the moment your own beliefs get suppressed, it’s suddenly tyranny


dclxvi616 t1_iruiqub wrote

> news coverage is already known to be classified as entertainment

I feel like your understanding of how things work in this country is sourced from memes like FOX News changing their accreditation to Entertainment so they are not legally obligated to provide truthful information.

In reality, there's no regulatory body that 'classifies' or 'accredits' anything of the sort in any capacity. I'd recommend reading the link provided above for more information.

We counter deceitful speech in this country with counter-speech of our own, as you appear to be attempting to do. You could try to report it to journalists or news organizations to cover the deception. There is no authority to "report" this to. The government isn't going to be able to censor them or restrict their free speech. At best, if anyone is being defamed then the defamed party could seek civil action if they like (which will be a tough bar to clear, as they're not only public figures, but political public figures).


Shift-Subject t1_irumazt wrote

Can't risk someone seeing a different opinion aye? Dems need all the votes they can get. Got anymore people to pardon before the midterms? It's not desperate at all πŸ™ˆ


Icy-Paper-6841 t1_irupdnk wrote

I hate abortion because it is a sin and blatant murder. That’s why I want OZ and Mastriano for PA !!!!


billfriedman9987 t1_irurve3 wrote

Just don’t do it if the baby could be born


Ghstfce t1_iruui2g wrote

I feel like this is a text that my phone would mark as spam immediately so I wouldn't even see it.


thesonofdarwin t1_irv1wq9 wrote

Forcing other people to follow your beliefs is a sin. You should read the text of your religion.

Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.

And whoever will not receive you or listen to your words, as you leave that house or that town, shake the dust off your feet.


Ancient_Boner_Forest t1_irv5fha wrote

How is it disingenuous? The comment above makes it seem like they are pretty open about their views.

If someone isn’t put of by the biblical point of view thing, they’re prob gonna be in the right place


Ancient_Boner_Forest t1_irv5tfq wrote

> In the video the link points you to, they talk about trans rights as boys taking over girls sports as a "leftist" policy.

It might not be everyone on the left, but it’s definitely some.

Or is your issue with the fact that they call people who have transitioned β€œboys”?


ISwearImKarl t1_irvx1x6 wrote

You can be anti-abortion and non partisan, lol. That's like saying it's non-partisan if they are pro-choice. Same argument would apply.

Non-partisan means they're not siding with democrats or republicans specifically. Essentially they're independant and have their own values.


BluCurry8 t1_irw0j9a wrote

Unsolicited texts are obnoxious and unwelcome.


fryerandice t1_irw75gu wrote

I try to watch out for this stuff but Google struck a deal to keep me from blocking all political bullshit emails and texts as spam from my phone, I don't want this shit beaming into my pocket from any party. I can't wait for election season to be over. And the phone calls too, I am trying to find a new job and it's a 75% chance when I pick up from an unknown it's political spam.

Can't you just leave me alone while my country circles the toilet ffs.


theviolinist7 t1_irwwg96 wrote

Ok so I used to work for a non-partisan but progreasive-leaning political org in Florida before leaving and coming here. All non-partisan means is that they're not officially a member of a party. It's a legal thing to say that, in this case, they're not officially part of the Republican Party, but rather a separate org, most likely either a PAC, superPAC, 501c4, or 527. They can't say they're Republican because they're technically not. It does not mean politically neutral or politically balanced. But because most people think that it does mean politically neutral, it can be misleading. I hate the term because it's so misleading.


theviolinist7 t1_irwx1i3 wrote

Former political campaign staffer here. Non-partisan does not mean non-biased. It just means not officially part of a party legally. They legally have to say it because they're not the Republican Party. If they said they're a Republican organization, they'd be breaking numerous election laws and would be fined into oblivion.


CaliforniaSpeedKing t1_irxi8j2 wrote

That could explain why I had 2 attempted junk calls earlier today.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_iryl3os wrote

Percentage wise immigrants are less likely, Americans cause more crime by percent and by the total volume. Hell, Americans being born adds to future criminals so why make such a speculation?


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irylfw3 wrote

By the courts, Fox news (and by extension from almost everyone's view CNN I think) wasn't liable for any negative response because "no reasonable person would think it's anything more than entertainment"


Im_a_wet_towel t1_is2by4c wrote

Political texts of any kind drive me fucking crazy. I wish these fucks would stop.