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BluCurry8 t1_irxvn28 wrote

Sure, but a white man posing as a gay black man his Twitter account with his picture is bizarre. Personally I think white people should consider not trying to speak to experiences they have never even come close to having.


cigarmanpa t1_irxx5h8 wrote

It’s not bizarre. He has an alt account he uses to troll with and forgot to sign into that one. Stupid yes, bizarre no


egJohn t1_iry8mqj wrote

i think that is a pretty bizarre way to spend your time


cigarmanpa t1_iry8s0q wrote

Gota try and win the made up culture wars some how


egJohn t1_iry8ysa wrote

do you think they'll ever get tired of it?


cigarmanpa t1_iry9h7w wrote

Not as long as it keeps working


egJohn t1_iry9qhp wrote

i suppose as long as there are people who are different from them...


desolation0 t1_is03o7v wrote

The goal post moves every time. Any time fascists have sufficient power against the out group, the in group gets smaller so they have enough scary opponents to fuel the outrage. Also why as things improve, they find the newest weak link punching bag. It's important to protect that weak link they find because many of us are only a few rungs up the ladder of acceptable to them. We let our brothers and sisters get crushed and we're next.


egJohn t1_is9w5fz wrote

Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (oops)


BluCurry8 t1_iryamw7 wrote

It is stupid and bizarre to me. I believe he was a state legislator for Lehigh county area. Totally inappropriate behavior. Unbecoming of a public servant.


MediocreGround995 t1_is0wllt wrote

There are plenty of public servants who participate in conduct unbecoming on a daily basis. I can only wish that the law applied equally to them.


gslavik t1_irxweyd wrote

> Personally I think white people should consider not trying to speak to experiences they have never even come close to having.

Personally, I don't think anybody should be trying to speak to experiences they have never come close to having.

> Sure, but a white man posing as a gay black man his Twitter account with his picture is bizarre.

"Yes, but" statements are not counter-arguments.


BluCurry8 t1_irxx3n9 wrote

Sure it is possible. But this post is not about a gay black man, it is about a white man posing as a gay black man. Trying to stay on point and not stray into non relevant hypothetical statements. Unfortunately people stray into areas they have no business. In fact the majority of social issues are generally people out of their depth of knowledge and understanding trying to impose the so called personal judgement.


gslavik t1_irxzsib wrote

I am sorry. I am confused. I responded to a post that said:

> In the past, I saw a right-wing Reddit account that said something about being a gay black man.

> Went back in their comments a bit, and they talked about having a wife and kids.


> I am sure it is possible to be a gay black man and at the same time be married with kids.

My response was to a comment, not to the original post. The comment set the context for my reply.


-GhostMode t1_irykkh3 wrote

What if that’s what he identifies as ?don’t ya ?


IamSauerKraut t1_iryl5xo wrote

He only "identifies as" when he's trolling white people while pretending to be a gay black man who looks like a white dude.


MediocreGround995 t1_is0w9c1 wrote

I'd say that the color of the person's skin shouldn't have anything to do with your statement. It's so true that you only ended up detracting from a wonderful point. Thanks, I wish more people understood the limits of their own experiences. ❤️