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FuzzPunkMutt t1_isexqgk wrote

I don't have my hopes up. The "he has to read instead of listen to smalltalk!" angle is working well for the GOP, and they do not care a single bit about any bad thing Oz has done.

The America we live in is one where disinformation is the king, and a wealthy few use that to convince millions of suffering people that the reason they are suffering is because of each other.

But, I will absolute drink to celebrate if Oz loses. That would restore a little bit of faith.


talldean t1_isey9rf wrote

You're not going to convince GOP members in most cases.

You *do* need to convince your own team to come out and vote 100% of the time, and then you need action - between elections - to grow your team.

It's been interesting to see Fetterman lean into dunking on Oz with memes for awhile... and then go to do "here's the plan/here's my policy".

It also doesn't hurt that Fetterman was leaning on Biden to legalize marijuana two weeks before Biden put through the executive order on weed.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_isezb96 wrote

I'm just nervous. There was a poll of likely voters recently that showed in PA the two most important issues are guns and economy. Abortion doesn't make the top 5. Pot didn't make the list.

Unfortunately, that plays directly into the message the GOP has been pushing for the last 60 years. They have convinced every gullible person and every person that doesn't pay very much attention that Republicans are better for the economy (despite all evidence pointing to the contrary).

And of course, this is America. So fetishizing guns is a core personality trait for some 30% of the population.


_KnightsDelight_ t1_isezykc wrote

Economy is definitely the #1 issue and will certainly drive us to the polls.


JoshuaIan t1_isf3qh6 wrote

Indeed, I'm going to vote against the people that have tried to sell trickle down economics


HectorsMascara t1_isf1bhi wrote

> Unfortunately, that plays directly into the message the GOP has been pushing for the last 60 years. They have convinced every gullible person and every person that doesn't pay very much attention that Republicans are better for the economy (despite all evidence pointing to the contrary).


FuzzPunkMutt t1_isf0xlf wrote

Sure, just remember that major economic downturns happen during republican policy changes. I'm sure that your voting for the party that actually leads to economic security instead of just listening to absolute idiots like Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson, right?


talldean t1_isfqq38 wrote

The one that terrifies me about the economy is we're doing better than most of the rest of the world this year, but not giving Biden any credit for that.

We're also seeing relatively low inflation, but record-corporate-profits rebranded as "inflation".

The combo of those two perceptions is gonna hurt.


key2mydisaster t1_isfpkw7 wrote

Hopefully they just polled the wrong people.

Literally no way that the government would ever seize everyone's guns. How would that even work? Search every home in the entire country? Like people wouldn't hide them? It's a non-issue. And IMO anyone with guns that doesn't want common sense gun laws must be doing something stupid with their guns.


Buffmin t1_isjf7d5 wrote

>Literally no way that the government would ever seize everyone's guns.

You aren't supposed to think logically about it. You're supposed to be blinded by fear and vote the gqp while clutching your guns and your hug-a-nignt Regan (now with trickle down action)

Fear is their main motivation


CQU617 OP t1_isezwef wrote

Does anyone else think it’s odd that Oz if he wins declined too security clearance because he won’t give up his Turkish citizenship?

The same Turkey who is currently putting the US on blast? And the interior Minister of Turkey say the US has made mistakes and this is their year? I for one have had enough of this traitorous BS.


key2mydisaster t1_isfqr9b wrote

Definitely, I also dislike the hypocrisy of people who put up Oz signs considering their most likely the same people that were claiming that Obama was a Muslim when he wasn't - yet they have no problem backing an actual Muslim immigrant because someone on tv told them to.

(Personally I don't give a flying fuck what religion someone is, as long as they're not completely insufferable asshats)


ell0bo t1_isf59ue wrote

We're not playing for those people. Dems can write off most people that consistently vote Republican, they've proven who they are unfortunately. There's the middle there that we can win, and also not lose Dems.