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meinkreuz89 t1_isjme4v wrote

Good, tired of seeing all these signs. Fuck both parties, all these signs do is ruin my view of beautiful fall foliage and contribute to plastic waste. They should be banned.


moomoopandabutt t1_isjoduo wrote

I honestly agree with you about getting rid of the signs. While we’re at it let’s get rid of all of the billboards on the highway too.


meinkreuz89 t1_isjqb3e wrote

Ever been up to Maine or Vermont? They’re banned there and I wish PA would adopt the same law banning them. It’s refreshing going somewhere and not seeing a ton of billboards.


throwaway4206983 t1_isjr349 wrote

Now i want to visit even more


ThunderySleep t1_isjzgtw wrote

Do Vermont if you want a mountainous escape. Maine if you're into the shore.


AbsentEmpire t1_iskt5cw wrote

I find it pretty ironic to see ads against distracted driving on highway billboards, the sole point of which is to distract the driver with advertising.

Billboards should be banned, they promote distracted driving and visually clutter the state with actual trash.


powersurge t1_isjyr7s wrote

Political signs would likely be the most protected category of first amendment Freedom of Speech.


ThunderySleep t1_isjzarq wrote

Agree with you on getting rid of this practice with the lawn signs (for everyone). The way billboards can ruin and otherwise beautiful landscape, political signs are an eye sore for your neighborhood, and yeah, they come out around what should otherwise be a very beautiful time of year.

Also, it's great for people to be able to discuss politics, but there's a time and a place. Like, generally it's custom to avoid politics at the dinner table. Do you really need to be that guy who's making their neighborhood a political forum? Best case scenario: all of your neighbors happen to have the exact same views as you and none of them think better or worse of you for it. More likely, you're just alienating your neighbors and making it a less friendly environment.
