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curatedaccount t1_isoyowu wrote

>But you don't see them doing this shit,

No. YOU don't see them doing this shit. Because your echochamber would rather show you what you see here.

My echochamber showed me video after video of people trying to yank trump signs out of yards that had been booby trapped with electric fencing.

But at least I wasn't dumb enough to think I was seeing an unbiased sample... What's wrong with you?


Or0b0ur0s t1_ispa4ub wrote

I'm surrounded by Trump signs, MAGA, et. al. If anyone was taking them out, I have a better-than-average seat to witness it. Is it impossible? No. But at some point weight of statistics comes into play. As in, you see & hear this bullshit constantly. With absolutely no examples of the opposite, not even edge cases, it's entirely rational to at least say they're rarer. You can't say that the media wouldn't love reporting it, if it were there to report.

But you go ahead and just assume it's bias. That's the mirror you're looking at.


curatedaccount t1_ispihak wrote

> I'm surrounded by Trump signs, MAGA, et. al. If anyone was taking them out, I have a better-than-average seat to witness it. Is it impossible?

I'm sorry, was anyone in this conversation under the impression that there are bands of ideologues all over the country trawling every backwoods road for political signs they don't like, like some kind of overly complex google street view operation?

This headline is about 100 signs. Not millions. The cases I saw were one-off events and the cases everyone is talking about in this thread are one-off events. If 100 people in PA got mugged in broad daylight, would you expect to have personally witnessed one?

I've got a very small spattering of Dem signs around where I live and they're fine too.

On the other hand I went on vacation to Holden Beach NC this year and saw a big trump sign that was all smashed up and vandalized. So there's that, if all you accept is personal anecdotes and headlines you agree with, that is.