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witqueen t1_iskfrcm wrote

So why isn't Mastriano mentioned?


crazypants9 t1_iskufs5 wrote

Because the media is busy ignoring it. Fascist Christian Nationalist sack of rotting offal.


witqueen t1_iskyjli wrote

I'm not sure how you really feel about it. :-)


shweetpickle t1_ismcvet wrote

Future gov hopefully


yeags86 t1_ismh7xk wrote

You and him can keep your religion to yourselves. Doug would have Jesus on a cross faster than the Romans.


mcs0301 t1_isnqkeu wrote

I picture Doug calling him a Libtard and then deporting him.


Thecrawsome t1_isntmmq wrote

Theocratic fascism doesn't belong in the US government and everybody should agree on that.

You don't want to Muslim running for governor pledging to enforce Muslim laws on people.

That's literally what that fascist piece of dung mastrianblow is doing, but for trashy Christian nationalists.


xoltharjoemama t1_iso1p6r wrote

Disemboweling sounds harsh, but I think a case could be made.