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drxdrg08 t1_iszh7d4 wrote

> What kind of gotcha is that supposed to be?

Logic 101?

> I think the assertion is simple - why are we paying these cops to be administrators and not cops? That's misuse of a limited resource, and a sign of mismanagement.

Because the physical person behind that job, again, gets good union pay and union labor protections.

How is this not obvious given that the narrative here is that unions are good, and higher pay is good? Are you giving up that narrative only because the money comes out of taxpayer pockets and not private company accounts?


Genkiotoko t1_iszibuj wrote

>Because the physical person behind that job, again, gets good union pay and union labor protections.

There are plenty of non-police public sector unions that civilian administrative personnel can join. No reason for them to ne police officers in a police union. The average officer makes around $70,000 before overtime and other pay. There are plenty of people who would respectfully fill the position to earn $40k -$50k.

Why do you specifically want cops in these non-policing positions? Seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars and a concentration of bureaucratic power.