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Terrible_Use7872 t1_it5ge1j wrote

On a side note about Mehmet Oz, since he's been a public figure for so long many of his long standing opinions on common voter issues have changed since he announced running for Senate. He was middle of the road on many things, but now he's gone stereotypical conservative on most issues.


wagsman t1_it7igxp wrote

Not only that, when he is confronted about it he simply denies it as liberal lies, and his supporters believe it.


JennItalia269 t1_it5xu4q wrote

Wow Oz doesn’t tell the truth? Shocker.

Just like nearly all republicans in office.

Edit: he spent $21 million of his own money? Lol. Hope he cries like a bitch on Election Day.


AnInsolentCog t1_it6wu7g wrote

He's had a ton of practice lying publicly for money on television.


klauskervin t1_it7epyo wrote

> Edit: he spent $21 million of his own money? Lol. Hope he cries like a bitch on Election Day.

This doesn't matter anymore. Ted Cruz went to the Supreme Court and they changed campaign finance law that now candidates can use donations from 3rd parties to pay off their own campaign loans.

The GOP just continues to aid and abed corruption.


andlight91 t1_it7s05a wrote

They can only refund the money if they WIN, otherwise it's basically lost.


delco_trash t1_it773hg wrote

He's a fraud and a liar. Vote fetterman


toadfan64 t1_it6u9o4 wrote

I can't believe this freaking guy is closing in on the polls. Gonna be a sad day if Fetterman actually loses to this clown.


fallser t1_it6sy64 wrote

Once a con man/liar, always a conman/liar…


MrP3rs0n t1_it721ja wrote

He’s not even in office yet and is already lying to everyone… and most certainly not working in the best interest of the people


Jsingles589 t1_it73e6h wrote

A guy whose entire fortune is based off of lying, LIED??



MacDynamite71 t1_it5j1ya wrote

Hope he loses. But campaigning is expensive


klauskervin t1_it7f05l wrote

I don't understand how a Pennsylvanian could vote for this guy. Why would he ever support PA over NJ when all of his American assets are in NJ including his kids? How do we know he'll be loyal to the US when he is very active in Turkish politics?


BaumSquad1978 t1_it74hvu wrote

Serious question, does Oz have a shot at winning ???I know a ton of people in Philadelphia who can't stand Fetterman. I personally mailed my ballot yesterday and I'll give you a hint, I did not vote for Oz


HahaWeee t1_it759dt wrote

Yes Oz has a shot at winning. 538 has them at about a 4% difference with fetterman leading. Granted polls aren't 100% but a 43% chance is still good

That's why it's important for everyone to vote and tell this carpetbagger piss drinker to go back to new jersey


BaumSquad1978 t1_it7ecbc wrote

Ty for the reply.


HahaWeee t1_it7oyug wrote

You're welcome :D. It's easy to think carpetbagger piss drinker Oz doesn't have a chance but he most certainly does


Euphoric-March-8159 t1_it8iwqt wrote

No shit, he’s a liar and a jackass, we know already. If you support this clown, you’re a jackass too


Ghstfce t1_it771nn wrote

He's from New Jersey. Everything's a cash grab over there. Come on over, bridges are free! Oh, you want you to leave? You gotta pay. Want a boating license? Yeah, that one that works everywhere else in the US is no good here. You have to have ours which is only good here. For that YOU GOTTA PAY. Move to NJ, we'll help you out on your taxes! Oh, moving out of state? You guessed it. YOU GOTTA PAY.


TikiTimeMark t1_it7jnnu wrote

We all know he's a lying piece of garbage, but people need to vote.


billstrash t1_it5prkk wrote

Getting nervous?


Dat_Boi_Aint_Right t1_it7vf9j wrote

I'm always nervous when Republicans field a carpetbagging amoral liar with no standing values.

Why are you proud to wallow as if doing well with the pig vote is a virtue?


[deleted] t1_it6s3p7 wrote

Sorry I don’t want someone who doesn’t live in Pa representing me, but also do not like to have to choose the lesser of 2 evils…….


EkimSeliva69 t1_it70ahg wrote

At least he’s not talking about releasing inmates out of prison. That’s the most ridiculous idea ever. Ask ANYONE who has worked in any jail setting longer than a day. In addition to him not ever having a job himself?


Jsingles589 t1_it73mgi wrote

Drinking the koolaid eh? Those braindead attack ads aren’t what you should be taking seriously.


HahaWeee t1_it75h8z wrote

Look I'm just happy their masters are giving them new talking points to bleet at us

"HE HelD A BlaCk MAn aT GuN PoINt" as getting boring


Jsingles589 t1_it75o0g wrote

It’s truly embarrassing listening to these people demonstrate how easily manipulated they are by regurgitating childish nonsense made up in cheap attack ads.


HahaWeee t1_it770se wrote

At this point all I can do is laugh. You can lead a horse to water but it'll refuse to drink it because the angry man on thr internet told them soros poisoned it and all that


tlm4594 t1_it6ccvk wrote

Odd.. I posted an article about Fetterman. I included the title and sub header as well and it was taken down, I was told ONLY to post the title. This is still up? Why?


Tomjs162901 t1_it6trc8 wrote

He also doesn't let criminals out of prison, he doesn't want Pennsylvania to have sanctuary cities, he wants to reduce crime, taxes and pump oil to get us back to energy independence, he wants to close the border to help stop the illegal immigrants from invading our country. I guess you forgot to mention those things.


Spprtlcl t1_it7039v wrote

Trump also said Mexico will pay for the wall as well. Guess you forgot about birds of a feather flock together.


No-Setting9690 t1_it7872f wrote

Trump is sold old that Texas is Mexico, so I guess he was technically a little right hahaha


No-Setting9690 t1_it784hv wrote

Fucking sheeple. We have NEVER been energy independent. Fox News fucking skewed the definition to say we were, we have NEVER EVER produced 100% of our own needs.


sashslingingslasher t1_it88c3o wrote

He wants to pump oil? Dr. Oz wants to nationalize the oil industry? Damn. I didn't know that. Might be good for something after all.


MulberryDue1179 t1_it679uq wrote

Blah Blah Blah! I hate this time of year. Left smears always but this year sucks with this Fetterman guy who can’t even communicate. Just a puppet worse than ice cream guy


Woodyee101 t1_it5ngo5 wrote

Fetterman is a clown


tlm4594 t1_it6cla3 wrote

Fetterman fits reddit perfectly. No accomplishments or previous jobs, leeches/steals from parents and is a huge hypocrite by chasing down an innocent black man with a gun. He's literally a walking clown. He'll shake his finger at you all and tell you, you shouldn't own guns, while this bumbling jackass chased down an innocent black man with a gun. I'm 36 years old and I've never heard of such a thing.
