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stewingbeef8 t1_it413vo wrote

You know what option should be chosen?


[deleted] t1_it434ip wrote

As someone who toughed it out and avoided unemployment when I was eligible and needed it. Fuck you. People like you are the reason that kids 18-25 end up all fucked up thinking that they’re a grifter for making use of our support systems.


MomsSpecialFriend t1_it45d3q wrote

You literally pay for the insurance, why would you not collect when you meet the guidelines. You can obviously do BOTH but let’s not pretend every career hires the next day. There is no pride to be gained by being financially irresponsible and not collecting on what you paid for.


Keinichn t1_it47evs wrote

You know what unemployment does? Bridges the gap between jobs when you lose one unexpectedly. You know what's required to continue being eligible for it? Proof that you're job hunting. It's not just a free check. You have to be showing an effort to get another job or they'll cut you off.


SomeOtherOrder t1_it54dt4 wrote

As a gainfully employed person who’s never had to collect unemployment, I really gotta say…go fuck yourself. Stop taking pride in being a heartless chode.