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fenuxjde t1_it5moiq wrote

When the heads of the chiefs of police associations, a traditionally republican demographic, came out to endorse Fetterman, that should have been enough to end that talking point. Yet here we are.


Z0MB1ESLAYER115 t1_it5njrg wrote

So help me make sure I have this all correct. Fetterman wants to just take people who get a felony murder charge ie they were committing a crime with someone else and that other person murder someone, and not give them the death penalty? I can agree with that, assuming everything can and should likely still get the death penalty.


fenuxjde t1_it6y22m wrote

Yeah the ad they're running here in Lancaster has been the interview with the guy saying Fetterman has voted in line with the police like 85% of the time, and that Hollywood celebrity Oz has no idea how crime and the law works.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_it6ypt7 wrote

The one sheriff, you mean. He wasn't representing any chiefs of police. He's just a lone Democrat sherrif from the suburbs.

It's very curious to me how every police union or group I've seen has supported Shapiro but not Fetterman.

Wonder why that is?


EkimSeliva69 t1_it7150l wrote

Releasing inmates for the sake of HIS own principle will ensure more victims are created in your communities. There is NO such thing as a victimless crime. Every criminal has a victim in one capacity or another. Ask the victims how they feel about letting inmates out of jail. Absurd. Fetterman himself is a criminal for not paying taxes…what happens if you as a citizen don’t pay your taxes? Not just once but MULTIPLE times…”it just fell through the cracks”. That sounds like a responsible candidate for any public office. Sad the majority of the people voting don’t do any homework on the candidates but rely on media to shape their mind and opinions.


HighPitchEricsBelly t1_it73rks wrote

I think you haven't done your homework. Fetterman wants to eliminate mandatory life sentences with no parole for second degree murder.

“More than 1,000 people are sitting in jail right now on what amounts to a death sentence despite never having taken a life,” Fetterman said in February 2021. “That’s not because a judge thought the sentence was deserved. It’s because a one-size-fits-all law makes it mandatory. Any reasonable person who looks at the unfairness of these sentences will acknowledge the need for change.”

That seems pretty reasonable to me. Also, explain to me how having some weed in your pocket is not a victimless crime. I used to grow a little weed and sell it, I promise you there was no victim.

You're going on about Fetterman not paying his taxes; I'm curious who you voted for in the last presidential election. It wasn't trump was it? Please tell me it was trump.


matt5001 t1_it7a6g8 wrote

Not death penalty, he supports ending mandatory life without parole. One could still be sentenced to life without parole, but it would be at the discretion of the judge like most sentences, not mandatory.


matt5001 t1_it7av4e wrote

I agree with it too, but it’s kind of a moot point since a US Senator doesn’t have anything to do with PA state law. It was relevant to his past role as Lt. Gov, but nothing he or Oz would have any input on in the US Senate.

Also I can’t see anyone in the state backing a change to the mandatory sentencing law since they’ll be hit with all of the attack ads Fetterman is going through now.


Dj0ntyb01 t1_it7much wrote

They really are, and it's 100% by design. I used to be surprised when I heard conservatives defending politicians who constantly act against their voter's interests. Now I just feel bad for them. The republican party has dumbed down their voters significantly in recent decades.


Plane_Vanilla_3879 t1_it7n6xw wrote

I don’t pay much attention to “fact checkers” nothing but propaganda and lies


Euphoric-March-8159 t1_it8kdaa wrote

His ads are also very incorrect about fetterman going to boarding school (he didn’t) being late on his taxes (he wasn’t) and living with his mother into his 40s (incorrect again). I’m surprised he’s allowed to just lie like that. Standards for candy labels are higher than political ads?


sprcpr t1_it8p09z wrote

Is there a source for this? I would love to be able to cite the sources to my forest family who will be gulping anything the reich facebooks tells them.

I've met Fetterman. Even if he WAS living with his parents, it was because his social work didn't pay enough to support him. He is an absolutely solid guy and it depresses me that Oz is coming so close.


thenewtbaron t1_it8rmp5 wrote

I love those ads, "Fetterman hasn't worked and only lived off of his parents" then "he hasn't paid any taxes and had liens placed against him"

If a dude doesn't have money, how could he owe taxes?

Wait, if being given money and working for your parents is a bad thing, why wasn't it a bad thing for trump?