Submitted by LWVPA t3_y9w81y in Pennsylvania

*EDIT: Thanks for joining us! The League is here to support voters through and after Election Day. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them here - we will check back periodically.

Remember, you can find helpful voting information on our website is your one-stop shop for all election information you need, including researching your candidates and making a plan for election day. Happy voting!

Hi! We're staff members and experts from the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, here to answer your PA voting questions ahead of the November 2022 General Election! This election is a critical one for Pennsylvanians, and we want to make sure all PA voters are informed and empowered to make their voices heard at the ballot on November 8th.

Ask us anything about voter registration, voting by mail, ballot questions, what to expect at your polling place, and how to make a voting plan that works for you. We'll be answering your questions from 12pm to 1pm ET.

We'll be answering your questions from the r/Pennsylvania subreddit.

About the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania: The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania is a statewide, nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to empowering voters and defending democracy. We encourage informed and active participation in government, work to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy.

The League is proudly nonpartisan. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate, nor do we make political contributions. At a time when voting and engaging with government has become politicized, LWVPA seeks to make civic engagement part of voter's everyday lives.

The League maintains a wide range of programs and services designed to make civic engagement accessible to voters. Our nonpartisan voting tool VOTE411 educates and empowers thousands of PA voters annually. The League also engages in nonpartisan advocacy around a diverse array of priorities in the areas of representative government, natural resources, and social policy.

Answering your questions today for LWVPA are: Susan Gobreski, LWVPA Director of Government Policy, Meg Pierce, LWVPA Executive Director, Sam Anthony, LWVPA Membership and Operations Coordinator




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LWVPA OP t1_it849i5 wrote

SG: A few things to remember -

*Every* person is eligible to cast a provisional ballot – if you aren’t in the poll books, or if you are at the wrong polling place – or whatever. The county then verifies all the provisional ballots and if you were eligible to vote, your vote is counted.

If you request a mail ballot, and then decide to vote in person, you must bring your whole mail ballot package with you. It will be “spoiled” and you can then vote on the machine! If you don’t bring your mail ballot with you, you can vote by provisional ballot, and the county will check the records to make sure you didn’t submit your mail ballot.


Pretzelbasket t1_it814io wrote

What would the steps be to eliminate the closed primary system in PA? It feels as though the current system awards the most radical parts of "base" affiliated voters, drives down primary turnout, and overall negatively impacts the quality of candidates in PA.


Second question: If Mastriano were to win the Gov. mansion and enact his universal purge and reenrollment of all PA voters, what actions would the League of Women Voters take to counter that clearly unconstitutional aim?


LWVPA OP t1_it82ocv wrote

Question #1: We love talking about the need to eliminate closed primaries! Right now, it’s not a system that works for everyone. According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, nearly 1.1 million voters are registered as unaffiliated with a political party or Independent. This segment of the state’s electorate has been increasing for years - and is now the fastest growing segment of voters - consistent with a national trend of voters identifying as independents. But in Pennsylvania, these voters are prevented from participating in the local, state and federal primaries that are likely the most important elections in their communities.

New legislation (Senate Bill 690) introduced in the PA General Assembly would allow the 1.1 million independent and unaffiliated voters shut out of primary elections in Pennsylvania to choose a Democratic or Republican ballot. We support this legislation and urge members of both parties to sign on.

We are part of a coalition working towards a solution, and you can join! Learn more at

Question #2: Regardless of who wins the Governorship, we are going to be vigilant in our policy advocacy – specifically to make sure that best practices are followed for voter role maintenance.


kormer t1_it8dscx wrote

> Question #2: Regardless of who wins the Governorship, we are going to be vigilant in our policy advocacy – specifically to make sure that best practices are followed for voter role maintenance.

Some analysis comparing voter roll data with postal change of address data has suggested that at least nationwide, a rather large number of voters no longer live at their registered address.

Are there any specific best practices that could be implemented in Pennsylvania to address this issue?


Sunkitteh t1_it81po2 wrote

My mom would always cut the full-page information about the candidates stance on major issues the League of Women Voters ran in the local newspaper. It was a big chart with their name, contact info, party, and a list of Yeas or Nays on the issues.

Is there something like this you currently do?


LWVPA OP t1_it827eu wrote

SA: Great question! We absolutely provide this information via, our nonpartisan election tool. All information comes directly from the candidates themselves and is unedited and unbiased. You can also check your voter registration and find your polling place!


LWVPA OP t1_it7zdzc wrote

MP: Voting by mail is safe, secure and convenient! Below are general steps on how to vote, prepare, and return your mail ballot. More info from the PA Dept of State

Step 1: Read the instructions carefully and mark your ballot. Be sure to complete the front and back of each page.

Step 2: Seal your ballot in the inner secrecy envelope that indicates "official election ballot." Do not make any marks on the inner secrecy envelope.

Your ballot must be enclosed and sealed in the inner secrecy envelope that indicates "official election ballot" or it will not be counted.

Step 3: Seal the inner secrecy envelope in the pre-addressed outer return envelope. Complete the voter’s declaration on the outside of the outer return envelope.

If you do not complete the declaration on the return envelope your ballot will not be counted.

Step 4: Return your voted ballot to the county election board. Absentee and Mail-in Ballots must be received by 8 pm on election day at your county election board. To ensure your ballot is received by the deadline, return the ballot as soon as possible.


LenniLanape t1_it86zmd wrote

Step 3 says to complete the voter's declaration. Is that where you sign and date it? Also, I'm a little confused about that part. I've read that the PA Voting Law says you must do this AND YET the acting Secretary of State Leigh M. Chapman said county elections officials should count mail-in votes that arrive in exterior envelopes with inaccurate or nonexistent handwritten dates, DESPITE the state law requirement. This is confusing and concerning to me.


rndljfry t1_it8qoqu wrote

>Step 3 says to complete the voter's declaration. Is that where you sign and date it? Also, I'm a little confused about that part.


In 2020 they separated ballots that arrived late, but still counted them just in case. If the race comes down to those ballots, they may resolve it in court before certifying it. If they are statistically irrelevant (they usually are) it will just be a note.


LWVPA OP t1_it80gcz wrote

Some important PA election dates:

Last day to register to vote: October 24

Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot, or to vote early in person: November 1, 5 p.m.

Last day to return your mail-in or civilian absentee ballot to the County Board of Elections: November 8 by 8 p.m.

General Election Day/hours: November 8, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


WilliamIII t1_it7z2ml wrote

Thanks for doing this! What do you believe are roadblocks to more complete participation in midterms and off cycle elections and how is LWV working to reduce those barriers?


LWVPA OP t1_it7zpcc wrote

SG: Voting should be convenient and accessible for every eligible voter. One roadblock was the requirement for in person voting on a single day – we changed that with the adoption of no-excuse vote by mail. We need to expand the times, hours and ways people can vote. Not everyone lives near the county seat, so making sure we have dropboxes is important too.


LWVPA OP t1_it80dlu wrote

SG: We are following efforts that would create more hurdles – taking away options (like drop-boxes) or making the voter registration deadline earlier, or changing the Voter ID requirements are also a concern. Pennsylvania already has a pretty strong Voter ID law, so eliminating types of ID that can be used creates more hurdles for people.


LWVPA OP t1_it80wa1 wrote

SG: We have gone to court to challenge voter ID requirements and are ready to defend voter access in many forms. Voters should also not be disenfranchised for making immaterial / minor/ technical errors when using a mail ballot. Forgetting to add a date on the outer envelop shouldn’t disqualify a vote. We know when the ballots are mailed to voters and they are time-stamped when they are received by the election office– so the voter adding the date doesn’t mean much.


WilliamIII t1_it85mun wrote

Thanks so much for such thoughtful responses! I learned so much during the AMA


derouse t1_it7uhkf wrote

What are your thoughts about voter engagement in Pennsylvania? Are you getting any indication on increased registration numbers as the Senate and House races receive national coverage?


LWVPA OP t1_it7wxfg wrote

We are seeing increased enthusiasm for voting this election season for a number of reasons, especially because issues like abortion care, public education funding, gun safety, and more are on the ballot. Pennsylvanians realize that how we vote on these issues will have direct impact in our state. PA is also considered a “battleground state” which is why our elections are so closely watched nationally – power tends to swing back and forth between parties. No matter how you choose to vote, your vote matters in PA!


PM_ME_MURPHY_HATE t1_itkp7ck wrote

> We are seeing increased enthusiasm for voting this election season for a number of reasons, especially because issues like abortion care baby killing, public education funding teacher's union kickbacks, gun safety control and confiscation, and more are on the ballot.

FTFY. Non-partisan my ass...


LeftPhilly t1_iuavgyv wrote

(Reply above is from NJ) The amount of outsiders that has shown up to influence the election of an official that is supposed to represent our state of PA has really got me questioning the usefulness of having a Federal upper congressional chamber … and maybe we should just get rid of the Senate and only have the House of Representatives.


PM_ME_MURPHY_HATE t1_iubosax wrote

> (Reply above is from NJ) The amount of outsiders that has shown up to influence the election of an official that is supposed to represent our state of PA has really got me questioning the usefulness of having a Federal upper congressional chamber … and maybe we should just get rid of the Senate and only have the House of Representatives.

Gotta love how you don't even bother disputing the inherent partisan nature of the positions espoused by the LWVP and instead try to deflect and distract instead.

Here's a great word for you to learn:


[deleted] t1_it82i02 wrote



LWVPA OP t1_it83sa1 wrote

ID is used for voter identification, not address verification. (You can find acceptable forms of ID for first time voters here: It is unlikely you would have a problem due to the outdated address on your ID, but if you run into any issues on Election Day we recommend you reach out to the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.


[deleted] t1_it84av8 wrote



LWVPA OP t1_it84xdl wrote

SA: Thanks for your support! You can join your local League and volunteer in your community. We also have active petitions and letter campaigns so you can take action on hot-button PA issues. And make sure to subscribe to our email alerts and check out our social media!


FalloutPlease t1_it7xydd wrote

What if I'm busy on election day and can't get to my polling place on Nov. 8?


LWVPA OP t1_it7yvk2 wrote

You can vote safely and conveniently by mail-in / absentee ballot! Registered voters can request a mail-in ballot at Remember, you must request a mail-in ballot by November 1, and it must be RECEIVED by your county election office by election day, November 8th. Postmarks do not count. Don’t delay, request your absentee ballot ASAP!

You may have heard about Early Voting in other states. If you are a registered Pennsylvania voter, you can use the early in-person voting option. You can request, receive, vote and cast your mail-in or absentee ballot all in one visit to your county election board or other officially designated site. With this option, there is no need for mail at all, and you can cast your vote at your convenience.


SGvotes t1_it83b5l wrote

but don't wait until the last minute! Sooner is better.


DoAndHope t1_it8ahhw wrote

Not really a question, but I just wanted to thank you guys (gals) for being my go-to for decades. My mother introduced me to you folks at 18 for a quick and fair election primer for all of the candidates.


LWVPA OP t1_it7pj7j wrote

We'll answer questions from 12-1 ET!


derouse t1_it84x0n wrote

What voting question is never or rarely asked and what is your answer to it?


LWVPA OP t1_it85n00 wrote

MP: People don’t ask why voting locally matters! There has been a lot of focus (and media attention) on federal elections, but it’s important to vote locally EVERY year, twice a year! Municipal elections and elections for the state legislature are where voters will see direct results in their communities.


susinpgh t1_it80rrv wrote


LWVPA OP t1_it81opp wrote

MP: Thanks for your question! Happy to explain.

According to the PA Department of State, every county is expected to include undated ballots in their official returns for the Nov. 8 election, consistent with the Department of State's guidance. That guidance followed the most recent ruling of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court holding that both Pennsylvania and federal law prohibit excluding legal votes because the voter omitted an irrelevant date on the ballot return envelope.
The order from the U.S. Supreme Court vacating the Third Circuit's decision on mootness grounds was not based on the merits of the issue and does not affect the prior decision of Commonwealth Court in any way. It provides no justification for counties to exclude ballots based on a minor omission, and the PA Dept of State expects that counties will continue to comply with their obligation to count all legal votes.


[deleted] t1_it8l3i0 wrote



susinpgh t1_it9juln wrote

This AMA is non partisan, and that includes Libertarian.


[deleted] t1_it8na6u wrote



[deleted] t1_it8v7p7 wrote



LWVPA OP t1_it7ygrx wrote

Some helpful information about registering to vote! The deadline to register in Pennsylvania is Monday, October 24th. You can register to vote online at If you are already registered to vote in Pennsylvania, you do not have to register again unless you need to change your name, address, or political party. Again, head to to check your registration.


[deleted] t1_it8czmn wrote



IAmMostDope92 t1_it990ka wrote

Excited to vote by mail this year! Gotta protect women’s and voters rights in PA 🇺🇸


FullAutoAssaultBanjo t1_itb80re wrote

Does David Fetterman's recent medical condition, disallowing him the ability to properly interpret auditory communication concern you at all?


steviecarn t1_iu2s4ki wrote

How a womans group can be nonpartisan concerning an election that directly affects qomens rights?


LeftPhilly t1_iuap5rz wrote

Question: there are states like NJ and FL which open the polling places and allow early voting starting about 10 days prior to Election Day.

Any idea if that will come to PA?

(And why or why not?)