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IamSauerKraut t1_itbx24z wrote

Seems you do not really "need to know who to vote for." You just want to stir the pot with your "but they are both rich folks" bullshit.

Ooze was born with a gold shovel up his backside. Are you voting for him?


the_pee_pee_dance t1_itckv8v wrote

The person saying that they "need to know who to vote for" is not the same person stirring the shit.


pittbiomed t1_itc3c62 wrote

I know who I am voting for and you realize that fettemen went to Ivy League schools for his education . Can you afford those schools? I know I couldn’t so maybe you are born with a silver spoon as well?


IamSauerKraut t1_itc7a3h wrote

Ooze "went to Ivy League schools" for his educations.

He got into Harvard because his world-famous doctor daddy paid for him to get in. Lived in Lowell House as an undergrad. Heard he was unhappy he did not gain entrance into preppy Kirkland or Winthrop-by-the-river. Used his daddy's connections to get into med school, too.

Fetterman did his undergrad at a school local to where he was born: Albright. Then went to UConn (not an Ivy League school) for an MBA. Was able to get into the Public Policy program at the K-School at Harvard on merit. His road in public service lead him to Pittsburgh and then to Braddock. He chose to leave a well-paying job to enter public service with AmeriCorps. We know the rest from there.


Who is the Ivy Leaguer with the gold shovel stuck up his arse? Not John Fettterman.

Fetterman says he grew up in a privileged environment (whatever that means for York County) while Ooze remains silent about his gold shovel upbringing. Not a peep about attending high school at the wealthy private Tower Hill School. Why is that?

Your attempt to pivot the topic to me is cute, but, no, I did not go to college at an Ivy League school. Spent many years as a youth shoveling barn manure. And what Ooze presents smells quite a bit like that.