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B_Rad- t1_itafwtt wrote

Stop calling attention to your sexuality and nobody will have anything to judge.


Nix-7c0 t1_itb0pzh wrote

Cool, you too: no holding hands in public, no eating together at restaurant while smiling, no pictures of your family in your workspace, no wedding ring for people to ask about, and on and on and on


ManfredsJuicedBalls t1_itbeltd wrote

Stop being a bigoted asshole, and maybe everyone can live their lives without wondering if their identity gets them harmed


B_Rad- t1_itbp9h4 wrote



shewy92 t1_itbv6tq wrote

What's typical? The fact that you commented something anti-LGBTQ on a Pro LGTBQ post and get negative responses? What exactly did you expect? A blowjob for speaking your mind? I'd give you one but that would be kinda gay which you apparently hate.


B_Rad- t1_itew7hc wrote

You have no idea what I do and don’t understand. And, yes, owning libs and loving it. 😊


sewerrpunk t1_itf505i wrote

You're an adult whose personality is built off of upsetting others. I have a good idea of what you understand.


shewy92 t1_itbv7sr wrote

What are you judging them about? It's a place where people can learn about LGBTQ things. You know, the things that schools try to suppress and therefore leave LGBTQ kids confused and scared. If this shit was normalized then we wouldn't need Rainbow Rooms to educate kids on non hetero-sexualities that schools generally focus on.


PensiveLog t1_itbnjla wrote

Does that apply to hetero people as well, or is it only a standard for people you have an unhealthy dislike for?


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_itcbguu wrote

Didn’t Jesus specifically tell you to not judge other people?

Why do you phony Christians constantly ignore Jesus?


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_itcw8g7 wrote

That was woke Jesus. Maga Jesus says hate everyone that doesn't look like you, think like you or act like you. So basically, if you're not white straight and male, you have absolutely no right to exist in this country.


Practical_Law_7002 t1_itcnll0 wrote

>Stop calling attention to your sexuality and nobody will have anything to judge.

Stop thinking they want your attention by being proud of who they are when they're simply fighting societal stigmas...


B_Rad- t1_itcug9d wrote

I’m a man who likes men BTW. Just never understood the need to make a big deal over it.


flaaaacid t1_itgvepq wrote

Then that’s doubly fucking pathetic.


B_Rad- t1_ith5l6z wrote

Can’t handle an opposing opinion, I see.👏🏻


B_Rad- t1_itcu81t wrote

Not trolling but what exactly are they proud of?


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_itcwrf8 wrote

Proud to be gay... there's too many people that hate on others because of who they love. If yall weren't constantly trying to make gay/trans people a bogeyman, they wouldn't need to be so open about it and it would be just like any other man and a woman being in love.

Why can't everyone just be themselves? Is someone being gay somehow hurting you or affecting your life in a negative way? No. So who gives a shit who they love? Why does it bother you so much?


B_Rad- t1_itcywt3 wrote

I’m not bothered as much as you are by assuming I’m bothered. Which I’m not. I can appreciate their point and still not agree with it. Doesn’t make me a bad person.


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_itczjkv wrote

I mean... I'm not really bothered by you being bothered... I'm straight and married so i really dgaf what anyone does with their life. I'm not sure whats not to agree with... we are all guaranteed freedom in this country right? That doesn't mean only the freedoms you agree with, that means freedom for everyone REGARDLESS of race, creed or sexual identity.