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discogeek t1_itbmwt5 wrote

No, it's not illegal to *hire* a minor without working papers.

"...a minor can apply for and accept a job offer prior to obtaining a work permit. Once the work permit is issued, the minor may begin work. In all cases, when a minor is hired by an employer, it is the employer's responsibility to notify the issuing officer within five (5) days of such employment."


Prince_music-fan t1_itbnky5 wrote

Oh, I may just be reading that one part wrong but I never got a work permit issued while I was working there


discogeek t1_itboh8n wrote

Well you/your parents-guardians are the ones responsible for applying for a work permit, it's issued by the school district. And your employer is responsible for telling the school district you've been hired.

Could also be feasible that they properly sent the notification to the school district and you didn't do your part and the school district didn't do theirs as well, although that's a question for a lawyer if it went there.


Prince_music-fan t1_itbon3a wrote

Yeah probably, I was in the midst of changing schools as I got this job as well so that may be why.


Prestigious-Buy1774 t1_iteocnh wrote

Is the way it reads, The employer can hire a minor, But the minor may not start working until after the the working papers are in their hands