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Scrungo_Mungo t1_itgesuv wrote

This shit was bound to happen with how lawless the four wheeler and dirt bikes act in Philly lol

Edit: I understand this happens everywhere lol, I’m commenting because the story took place in Philly


direstcruelty t1_itggayn wrote

Not the only city this happens in


introspeck t1_itgjytc wrote

I was passing through Trenton one day on errands, and I was on my motorcycle. A group of dirt bikes overtook me, doing all the usual asinine antics. I thought about turning off to get clear of the idiocy, but didn't need to because they soon left me behind, since I was stopping for red lights and stop signs.

Not as big a scene there as Philly or Baltimore, but it really does go on in most cities.


Golden_Calf t1_itgp2m9 wrote

I saw this just yesterday in Pittsburgh and I've seen it in Baltimore too. It's pretty rampant all over.


xxdropdeadlexi t1_itgtsri wrote

I live 20 minutes outside of Pittsburgh and have just recently started seeing sooo many people riding dirt bikes near my house. Are the cops just not pulling them over?


CatOfTheDecade t1_itguo0g wrote

The problem is, you can't.

I mean you can try, but they're going to take off. Unlike a vehicle, they're just going to dodge between cars and run up embankments. They may or may not have valid plates so you may or may not be able to trace ownership. Even if you do, you have to identify the rider, not the owner. Otherwise the owner shows up in court and says "it wasn't me".

There are solutions but none of them are good. For example one company makes a thing that attaches to the patrol car and blasts out sticky GPS tracker things. There are about a billion problems with this, not least of which is what happens if it misses and hits an innocent person.

If any Redditor thinks they have a viable solution, patent it and sell it. You'll make millions overnight.


wpcodemonkey t1_itgw2li wrote

There is also a no chase rule in the city to prevent innocent by standards from getting hit and killed. There is no good solution other than confiscating bikes/atvs and heavily fining and or arresting people.

“Operating ATV/Dirt Bike on Highway, Sidewalk of Pedacycle Lane (State Law Violations)

  1. Officer Responsibilities: a. If an officer observes and individual operate an ATV or Dirt Bike on any highway, sidewalk or pedacycle lane in violation of PA Vehicle Code §3722, the officer shall: b. Stop and detain the operator, only if it can be done safely. NOTE: Officers shall not pursue any ATV or Dirt Bike with any motorized vehicle, nor shall they unnecessarily endanger themselves in any foot or bicycle pursuit should an operator flee from an ATV or Dirt Bike Vehicle.”



CatOfTheDecade t1_itgzr56 wrote

All that and more, but see how many of them pull over for the siren.

EDIT: I misread your post. I think the typo "innocent by standards" might have thrown me off. At any rate, you're right: they can't chase them anyway. I'm not convinced that engaging in a chase in this particular case is the way to go, either. A bike is vastly more maneuverable than a patrol car, even in the hands of someone who is even remotely concerned about safety of others.

And the people suggesting "just get a helicopter / drone " don't seem to realize that helicopters / drones don't just instantly appear, can't stay in the air all day waiting for the right moment, and still don't identify the operator. At best, they get video -- and that can be worthless. Just because a bike ends up at someone's house doesn't mean that person is the operator.


IamSauerKraut t1_itgwt9a wrote

Police are now allowed to confiscate these machines when operated illegally. Might put a dent in the problem. Or cause more cautious riding.


CatOfTheDecade t1_itgzsvd wrote

If they catch them, sure. It costs a fortune to fly helicopters around all day every day, and drones aren't yet suitable for long term observation. And that's assuming they stay in the same spot long enough to get the bird there.


IamSauerKraut t1_ith27cw wrote

Gotta stop to gas up at some point. Driver needs sleep at some point. Where there is the will, there is the way. Question is, does Philly PD have the will?


SAR_and_Shitposts t1_ith5hmd wrote

They don’t, seeing as they’re not allowed to pursue them when they flee.


IamSauerKraut t1_ith5tmr wrote

Is a hot pursuit the only thing available to the PD? If that is all the Philly PD is willing to consider, then Chief Law needs to go back out west.


TresPantalones t1_ithbl32 wrote

Seeing how the ppd doesn’t and won’t lift a finger out of their “subtle” protest of not doing shit due to politics that the citizens they are supposed to serve suffer the most cus their bitchtit leader cries Waaaah. They still get all the funding and won’t even investigate a crime and just blame city hall, who also don’t hold them accountable. Fire them all. I said it. I meant it. I hope it makes you mad.


CatOfTheDecade t1_ith2ky7 wrote

To follow them indefinitely, through yards and between lanes of bumper to bumper traffic?

They need to be prosecuted but it's not a question of willpower.


IamSauerKraut t1_ith4h9z wrote

Philly PD has been monitoring them for a few years now. They know generally where they come from. They know where they gather. Only so many gas stations that the bikes use to gas up.

And, yes, the bikes can be followed. And have been followed. From the air. I've watched many a video from drones and news helicopters. You can, too.


CatOfTheDecade t1_ith6yr1 wrote

Well, sounds like you've got it figured out. Use whatever drone you have with hours-long capacity and go identify the drivers. Or fly your helicopter over the city all day every day for free. And make sure the rider doesn't take off before you get there.


RustedRelics t1_iti7oaj wrote

They’re apparently succeeding at interventions / confiscation in Paris. Read fairly recently that they created a permanent task force dedicated to the problem. Might be happening in other large cities but I haven’t looked in a while. Something’s gotta give.


Either_Coconut t1_itiwmvk wrote

>I mean you can try, but they're going to take off. Unlike a vehicle, they're just going to dodge between cars and run up embankments.

This. ^^^^ If the cops try to pursue, and the bike/ATV takes off, they might cause exactly the kind of accident we're seeing in the OP here. I mean, they blast through red lights and stop signs when the police AREN'T chasing them. Imagine what they'll do if they think the cops are about to impound their bike?


Buc4415 t1_ithroma wrote

They can’t chase motorcycles, dirt bikes, etc…. Because it’s more of a danger to the public if the biker hits someone fleeing (unless they have reasonable suspicion of a greater crime like murder, burglary, armed robbery).

The public needs to give cops the go ahead to pursue these people and accept that there will be unintended accidents as a result of enforcing the law or put up with the status quo….. gotta pick one…


IamSauerKraut t1_itgwmn1 wrote

Saw it a couple of weeks ago in Harrisburg on 81-N from 2nd st to 283 off-ramp. 4 of them riding in formation. 2 dirts, 2 atv's. dude in middle had some sort of bag. no license plates.


AtlJayhawk t1_ithohzi wrote

It's in crisis mode down here in Memphis. Memphis is pretty lawless anyway.


Edison_Ruggles t1_ithgn5r wrote

It's particularly bad in Philly (but yes, a nationwide problem)


Either_Coconut t1_itiw9fm wrote

I have seen the swarms in my neighborhood a few times. It's a miracle that we don't see this kind of headline more often. The bike and ATV riders drive like crazy people who think the laws of physics don't exist.