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RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjzhju wrote

as i stated before i use to do this all the time. people will just puff chest up and pea cock and say I dont believe that article or site or it isnt that big of a deal


HahaWeee t1_itkot5c wrote

"You don't know her she goes to another school no she doesn't have a cell number either but we're totally hooking up"


Seriously though instead of just whining people are mean post your evidence for us to examine. At worst you can feel validated when people "puff chest up and peacock" and dismiss it.

At best you can strongly back up your argument


thegreatdimov t1_itl7n66 wrote

His argument is that he looks for sources that validate his beliefs. He doesnt post evidence, he just he doesnt believe ppl he disagrees with. That's not evidence, hell it's not even a claim.


thegreatdimov t1_itl7u8a wrote

You saying you check many sources is not evidence. You have to post the articles you read that contradict whatever other article ppl prop up.

All you said is you go to many sources. Thsts not evidence