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malbolgia708 t1_itreoo8 wrote

You really don’t care about the laws, or the ILLEGAL migrants would upset you more.


Keinichn t1_itrkmjb wrote

You don't fight one illegal thing by doing another illegal thing. We have legal methods to handle illegal migrants. We should fucking use them, and crack down on employers who hire them while we're at it. Remove the jobs from them and you reduce the incentive to come illegally in the first place. Rounding them up and bussing them to another state doesn't do shit. It's the equivalent of sweeping a floor, but putting it all under the rug.

We need solutions, not doing stupid shit to "own" the other party. The plan, as laid out in the article, sounds like something a high schooler would come up with, not someone whose supposed to have experience as a "leader."