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Trout-Population t1_itupv6y wrote

Oz's flip flops are extremely concerning. Before his Senate run he was a pretty moderate, almost liberal dude. Durring the primary he was a MAGA Conservative, and now he's trying to play the moderate card again. Fetterman on the other hand has been extremely consistent, and the only thing he's really flip flopped on is fracking, and I think he explained that quite well.


DinosaurDied t1_itusn9i wrote

In fairness that’s standard for getting your party nomination. It’s more abnormal to be like mastriano who has not pivoted to appeal to moderates after the primary.

I’m more concerned that he was a successful doctor who somehow needed something extra and chose to be a grifter on tv hawking snake oil. Just like now, he married into Extreme wealth but still needs something extra. No doubt he is just being a grifter again


CoalCrackerKid t1_itv588o wrote

It's especially rich for Oz to dig at Fetterman's past statement on fracking when Oz, himself, has prior statements opposing fracking. It'd be comical if it wasn't sadly true.

I trust Fetterman's judgement more than the snakeoil huckster from NJ.


That_Guy704 t1_ity3chs wrote

He explained it quite well? Did we watch the same debate?

“I do support fracking. I support fracking, and I stand, and I do support fracking.”

That’s his answer when it came to him directly being questioned about his 2018 video interview where he stated he did t support fracking.