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Er3bus13 t1_ituqehp wrote

It's about policies. They don't run marathons. Hilarious you all don't care about the 80 years Olds in congress that fall asleep during sessions if they have an R beside their name.


Janderss182 t1_itutiom wrote

Well maybe don't make assumptions about me or me political beliefs. I think there should certainly be an age cap for the majority of political positions regardless of which party it is. They don't run marathons but they have to be able to use their brains and make decisions, many times major decisions. Neither you or I can say he is cognitively capable of performing his duties.


Er3bus13 t1_ituuw4f wrote

I'll assume whatever I want. What are you the thought police? /s


Janderss182 t1_ituv0uq wrote

No I'm not but I'm sure you'd love for their to be thought police lol


Er3bus13 t1_ituv5s7 wrote

No who is assuming? /glare


Janderss182 t1_ituvlt3 wrote

What's funny about you guys is that I can pretty accurately assume most your political beliefs if you just tell me one or two things.


Er3bus13 t1_ituw8e8 wrote

Size of me penis and? Small but diamond tipped