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Earl-of-Jabroni t1_ituu4gd wrote

So he needs the help of aides to do his job properly? He can’t handle debates which he will be doing every day?


T-Hi OP t1_itv7emz wrote

By definition a jabroni is a foolish or contemptible person. By judging a person based on their disability and excluding their intellectual capacity and indomitable spirit suits you well. So please vote Oz. Vote jabroni.


DinosaurDied t1_ituwuc1 wrote

I don’t think you understand what senators do. All senators have huge teams of aids. And those aids have lobbyists to help with the pull of doing their job in many cases.

Also you don’t debate each other every day in the senate. Any “debating” they do is written speech they get to do in almost all cases. Whether it be speaking on legislation, or interviewing candidates on panels.

The American political debate format is hilarious and stupid to start. It takes a sharp wit for sure but discussing the economic crisis in Venezuela in 30 seconds is impossible to actually get into.

So if senators roles were to sell you a solution on global inflation in 30 seconds or less, than Oz is the choice. Too bad the point isn’t to be a snake oil salesman to things that don’t have 30 second solutions.


rjb5065 t1_itvcfll wrote

Reminder Jared from subway had Aides not aids