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[deleted] t1_iu1fgjd wrote


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu1hezy wrote

You just.. Have absolutely zero idea what you are talking about, and it shows.

Stay out of the conspiracy subreddits and maybe read a modern textbook. It'd do you a lot of good.


[deleted] t1_iu1v6e4 wrote



Thievie t1_iu24n9t wrote

Textbooks have literally always said this. That's the definition of gender. Sex is biological and gender is about societal expression. I'm 26 and I learned it that way in school because it's literally the definition and always has been.


[deleted] t1_iu29k6i wrote



Thievie t1_iu2a5ji wrote

You are factually wrong. Gender relates to the societal perception and expression and cultural expectations of and around the sexes. It is not the same as biological sex. Pull out a dictionary as old as you want and look it up. Then change your username.


[deleted] t1_iu2c8s7 wrote



Thievie t1_iu2ffbc wrote

I grew up in the 90s.

Sex- the biological makeup of genitals and chromosomes you were born with

Gender- society's roles, expectations, cultural differences, etc around the sexes and how it is expressed

Gender identity- how you personally express your gender

This has never not been true. I'm also not a democrat. You're just wrong and saying that you're not over and over again doesn't make you right.


[deleted] t1_iu2cgvl wrote



Thievie t1_iu2ee8w wrote

Trans people don't deny that they were born the sex that they were. they never have. Rather, they would like to present and be seen as the sex they were not born as. After all, your perception is your reality. And many succeed in doing so. I guarantee you've walked past a trans person and never even known it. If they are happier that way and hurting no one, what's the problem?


[deleted] t1_iu2ghad wrote



Thievie t1_iu2n6qi wrote

User has been deleted but so that other people don't see this information and become misinformed:

  1. detransitioning rates among the trans community are extremely low. Like 3% or less.
  2. Suicide rates among trans people who are NOT given affirming care are very high, yes. With all the bullying and transphobia, one can imagine why. However, gender affirming care is the number one thing recommended by both doctors and therapists in order to ensure the safety of trans youth.

--Cr1imsoN-- t1_iu2q51b wrote

I think they got banned lmao good riddance I say and yes you’re 100% on the money.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu20evw wrote

No. I’m sorry you can’t read, maybe you should try hiring a private tutor to teach you basic things.


[deleted] t1_iu29y4p wrote

You’re the one ignoring basic biology but okay


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu2agct wrote

Don't you have to go prove the earth is flat or something?


[deleted] t1_iu2cjau wrote

Don’t you have something to prove, like genetic science is wrong, or something?!?


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iu2cqfx wrote

Ah man, it's sad because you don't have the capacity to understand how funny what you said is.


[deleted] t1_iu2gjeo wrote

You’re the one denying biology and genetics but okay!


Fstmiddy t1_iu1gp13 wrote

> you must be fun at parties

>Proceeds to strawman, complete ignoring that people have a right to free expression... Children included.

Based and idiot-pilled.


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_iu27dcw wrote

What does based mean? I see it a lot on Reddit. Urban dictionary said it was the opposite of cringe buy it seems to be used in a negative way.