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PharaohRoad t1_iu1gkbn wrote

Find any moldy cash in a gym bag?


PharaohRoad t1_iu1h87d wrote

IIRC about a decade ago or so, someone found gym bag full of cash in Bald Eagle. They turned the bag in to the State Patrol. It was sixty grand or more. The money needed to be literally laundered because it was moldy from sitting out there.


Mijbr090490 t1_iu1juky wrote

Love Bald Eagle. Great ORV trails if you have a vehicle that can handle it.


ell0bo t1_iu2a7pf wrote

Midstate trail?


awesomeisluke t1_iu2cvrc wrote

I did a motorized camping trip here with my dog a couple of years ago. It's such a beautiful and peaceful place, and reservations are 100% free. Highly recommended


Josheatsfood t1_iu2gkw6 wrote

Where are all the Mastriano and Oz signs? How can you enjoy the beauty without???!! /s


Jasole37 t1_iu2sx7k wrote

Jokes on you! I'm colorblind, it all looks the same color to me.


4Rings t1_iu47whm wrote

I read that wrong and spent longer than I'd like to admit looking for the Bald Eagle.


schu2470 t1_iu4p12e wrote

I live about 45 minutes from there and just as you turn onto the main street through downtown there's an 8 foot wide Mastriano sign with a 6 foot wide Oz sign right above it. Such as eyesore juxtaposed against our cute little downtown.


Nanaqa t1_iu8idqd wrote

I can't be the only one but I'm always afraid to find a dead body here